Quote: Originally posted by Little_Ghost_again  | Quote: Originally posted by deltaH  | This might seem like a trivial question, but one which I am battling to find a reliable answer to (Google is sleeping on the couch tonight).
Some small intro first:
In soap making, the very important initial stage where the reagents reach a custard-like consistency (also the stage when they won't separate if left
in a mold to react fully), is called trace.
The name suggests that it is... well... trace amounts of soap that has formed, but does anybody know [reliably] how much has occurred roughly
I mean, are we talking <1%, <10%, tens of %, you get the idea...
Some soap makers believe that most of the saponification has already occurred at trace, but I find this very hard to believe.
In cold process soap trace or specifically light trace is the point that oils and hydroxide have combined, saponifaction has not yet completed and can
in fact take 5-8 weeks to complete.
Hot process is different, you go past trace (quickly) to a point that oils and hydroxide have been COOKED out and the saponafication process
completed, in hot process it is still best to leave the soap for around a week, but it can be used after 24hours
Melt and pour dosnt have trace as such, its already soap but in a form you can remelt and add things, you can use it as soon as its solid.
Purest's like myself regard anything but cold process as not real soap except
clear hard soaps, they are really only doable with the hot process |
Ah, another soap maker I see, you might enjoy my choline soap thread*
I hear you and am aware of this myself, but it still doesn't answer the question, roughly how much has occurred? I am very tempted to make assumptions
here, but they are, to be honest, very thumb sucked. The reason I need to know, is because I am working on another chemistry idea when I want to use
only a partial saponified soap and I need only 10% saponification (very roughly) so was wondering if I can simply just target trace in the methodology
of that other process.
*blatant self advertisement targeting another soap maker 
PS. I will be publishing those experiments as soon as I have perfected and completed the experiments.
PPS. It's AWFUL that your account and posts got deleted, I'm very upset about it on principle. While I understand the need for spam deletion, it is
still a very sad thing that has occured! With any luck, it is reversible... crossing fingers for you!
[Edited on 17-9-2014 by deltaH] |