Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Which Master Education Should I Prefer?

yiberkit - 10-8-2014 at 02:10

As I said that I couldnt find a job in chemistry field with my chemistry degree.I have considered to study master education. ( Now I ve found cashier job in a local construction tools market)
So I can go for these master fields:


- Metallurgical Engineering

- Chemistry : Organic , Inorganic etc.

Which one do you suggest me to study? In my city , there are lots of iron& steel works/factories around here.
Which one is best suits with chemistry and which one is best for job opportunities?

aga - 10-8-2014 at 06:44

I would guess Metallurgical Engineering if there's Steel works around.

The best thing would be to phone a few local firms, and ask them what they would consider useful and also if they would have a job for you if you got your masters.

Market Research ...

yiberkit - 10-8-2014 at 08:41

Quote: Originally posted by aga  
I would guess Metallurgical Engineering if there's Steel works around.

The best thing would be to phone a few local firms, and ask them what they would consider useful and also if they would have a job for you if you got your masters.

Market Research ...

so what about academic careers? Is that useful for future academic careers? (getting master in different areas)

aga - 10-8-2014 at 09:01

Depends if you can afford to Study forever, or need to make money.

yiberkit - 10-8-2014 at 09:16

Quote: Originally posted by aga  
Depends if you can afford to Study forever, or need to make money.

yes when I study I cant earn money and much spending. But when I work I can earn money but I cant enhance/improve myself with education.

DubaiAmateurRocketry - 10-8-2014 at 09:33

I was choosing for undergraduate last year. I finally choose chemistry, ill do some engineering as minor.

I'd suggest you study an engineering since you already did chem.

[Edited on 10-8-2014 by DubaiAmateurRocketry]

[Edited on 10-8-2014 by DubaiAmateurRocketry]

AJKOER - 11-8-2014 at 03:26

Consider relocating!

Some fields, even globally, are in mature industries and job prospects are poor. The politics in some countries are such that they will be cuts to education (bad job market) even though they should be expanding!

Some regionals in a particular country will be struggling for decades, at least years.

Some countries will excel in technological job growth. Even if you don' t live there, investigate the prospects of studying there and the likelihood of being able to eventually work in your specialty field.

If you can't accept the truth and feel tied to where you were born, and exactly what you studied, then downscale your expectations.

This is the most valuable honest advice you will get so that you (and eventually your family) will be able to maximize their potential, your success, and eveyone's happiness.

Good luck, but the smart man improves the odds of success!

EDIT: Depending on where you are looking there can still be biases (with respect to gender, nationality, perceived racial identity or religion,...) which for the most part can work against you, but on occasions are pluses. You may want to make this an important factor. I actually got my 1st big break because several of the senior managers who interviewed me thought we shared a common religious background. Being naive, and not really understanding on why they hired me (I was a sudent, in reality, looking for a summer job and have not even properly dressed for the job interview), I do not observe their religious holidays! I nearly loss my job in the probation period, in spite of my work! You can't make stuff like this up, but it is, for better or worse, on occasion part of reality.

[Edited on 11-8-2014 by AJKOER]