Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Is there a relationship between Magnetism and Gravity..what is it?

solo - 10-1-2005 at 19:26

Although you can't see it touch it ...but it's there, both magnetism and gravity can be seen by their effect. One case is the the falling object , being drawn down by gravity, and the the other the opposing magnets being drawn together. Some scientist say that both magnetism and gravity are one of the same, if so, then like magnetism , gravity can be manipulated to use in a productive manner and we can harnest the energy within it to generate useful applications.....solo is some interesting reading,

[Edited on 11-1-2005 by solo]

chemoleo - 10-1-2005 at 19:52

As far as I know electric fields combine with magnetic fields to form electromagnetic fields (radiation).
There is no such union of forces known between the gravitational force and the former two forces mentioned.
I think in part this is the reason why there has been nearly a century-long struggle to come to a union between the general theory of relativity (which implicates gravitational forces) and quantum mechanics.

Anyway, I hardly think they are one of the same, after all you have poles in magnetic fields, while you don't have that with gravity.

I_am_a_fish will be the man to comment on this.

neutrino - 11-1-2005 at 03:19

This is one of the current hotbeds in theoretical physics: trying to unify all four of the fundamental forces. So far, physicists have managed to show that the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces are just aspects of the electroweak force and I’m pretty sure that they have managed to unite this with the strong nuclear force. Gravity, though, is the tricky one they’re still working on.

I am a fish - 11-1-2005 at 03:25

Those websites are utter nonsense. They are of no scientific interest (except from a psychiatric perspective).

Just some of the absurdities and elementary mistakes:


Mickhael - 11-1-2005 at 12:11

This is coming from a slightly "novice" point of veiw, but I always felt that since magnetism was created through electrical fields - electromagnetics, and so that gravity was a result of that, because the "fields" put force/pull against the electrons in normal matter...*shrugs*

neutrino - 11-1-2005 at 14:40

Electromagnetic interactions are caused by interactions of photons, gravitational attraction are thought to be due to gravitons (I’m not even going into the Higgs particle here). If you look at the relative strengths of these forces you will see just how ridiculously wrong you are.

Gravity = 10
Weak Nuclear = 10<sup>15</sup>
Electromagnetic = 10<sup>38</sup>
Strong Nuclear = 10<sup>40</sup>

The numbers speak for themselves: the electromagnetic force is about 10 trillion trillion times stronger than the gravitational. Imagine living on a planet with that type of gravity…:P

HRH_Prince_Charles - 11-1-2005 at 15:20

What you are talking about is reconciling quantum mechanics with general relativity, which has not been done yet.

String theory

chemoleo - 11-1-2005 at 17:28

But doesn't string theory attempt to do precisely that?
Then of course there is the standard model - which is more a set of equations that work extremely well, but are known to not to be the placeholder of the ultimate equation.

Anyway, there is another thread on this, see this.

darkflame89 - 12-1-2005 at 01:27

String Theory is trying to do that, it hasn't really produced a complete theory. Quantum gravity is another one trying to do so. Roger Penrose is trying another method with spinors and twistors hoping to produce a coherent theory that contains both quantum theory and relativity.

Besides, electromagentism and gravity can be unified in the Kaluza-Klein Theory where there are 5 dimensions.

kyanite - 20-1-2005 at 13:02

Wait a minute, wasn't String Theory disproved? I think some genious disproved it a little while back, then introduced M theory, which is kind of improved version of string theory...

Thomas Winwood - 22-1-2005 at 07:39

String theory was introduced originally to attempt to explain quark-gluon interaction until the advent of quantum chromodynamics.

It's been revived in attempts to reconcile the different fundamental forces - strong nuclear, weak nuclear, electromagnetic and gravitic - but different interpretations reconciling different forces exist. M-theory was introduced by Witten to show all these string theories to be the same.

Ref: Relationship between Magnetic and gravity

solo - 22-1-2005 at 12:31

The hope is to have a mathematical factor to work in both the gravitational and magnetic equations so there is a conversion factor in manipulating the equations . The source of the logic either from various string theories or the the grand M theory, which combines all string theories, will perhaps at the end give us just that the unknown factor that unites both sources of energy.....solo

franklyn - 3-7-2006 at 12:50

Originally posted by solo
Is there a relationship between Magnetism and Gravity..what is it?

Perhaps , what's needed is a working explaination :)

I don't pretend to understand it, the mathematics are more than I can chew.

Given the scholarly nature of the work I think it should be more widely known.

I have corresponded with the gentleman on other matters relating to the

resolution of internal electromagnetic forces in circuits. Thats how I uncovered

it. This is his homepage ->

Index of papers are here ->

The ones I am citing are number 20 , and 36

Direct download here _
