I dreamed to make urea peroxide and TMDD
1. 67.5 urea was added to a jar. Then enough hot water was added to make all the urea dissolved (solution temperature was around 60°C).
2. 100 ml (a few ml more) of 45.53% H2O2 was added (when the solution was still hot). Then it was cooled to room temperature and after that chilled
with an ice bath.
At 15°C a mass of crystals was observed. I put the jar in freezer, when It was at 0°C I filtered it.
3. the next day (I was in hurry at the time so didn't calculate anything)I added formalin to the residue (nearly 3/2 parts of volum of the residue).
it started to warm. so I put some crashed ice in the jar and stirred, then I poured hydrochloric acid (solution was still hot). Exactly at the moment
the solution turned into a milky thing (better to say bonnyclabber!) the hole liquid had turned into a big chunk.