Electra - 12-5-2014 at 18:14
I have been wondering this for a while and do not have enough substrates to do an experiment, but would anyone have any information on this?
I would reason that the photo excitation of various bonds such as ones with halogens are not effected by neighboring groups because the light so
accurately absorbs into the specific bond itself, but I am not sure. If there is any effect, I would think it be minimal?
Some brief searches on this specific topic did not seem to turn up much.
Burner - 14-5-2014 at 08:41
For those of use who are acronym-challenged, what is EWG and EDG? Thanks!
Etaoin Shrdlu - 14-5-2014 at 10:24
Electron Withdrawing Group and Electron Donating Group.
Burner - 14-5-2014 at 14:28
^^^ Thanks!
PHILOU Zrealone - 31-5-2014 at 07:39
Aceton when submitted to sunlight undergoes breakdown into methane, carbon monoxyde, ...(*)
Other cetons also do react photochemically.... so cetonic group what is an EWG do promote clivage...
(*) this is explained long at large into:
Traité de chimie organique, Tome VII, Aldehydes, cétones, énols, polycetones, aldehydes cétoniques
by Victor Grignard.