You guys would never have survived in 1800's. They did this commonly all the time. Distilling easy, mainly only the acetone cannot be separated by
careful distillation. Small amounts of minor impurities besides acetone no problems unless ultra purity work is needed. If so buy it if you can by
2017. If he is running an alcohol lamp for chemistry or doing non critical experiments the purity should be fine for the most part. All in how
carefully fractional distillation is done. Yet another plus is if wood stoves or fireplaces are common in the area no one will notice much unless he
builds the mega factory zts requires, sounded like zts thinks he needs to cut down a forest and build a big factory. How many hundreds of gallons
does he need anyway. This is a reasonably set up operation if he is only needing home experimenter amounts. And if he uses Hickory he can make a great
BBQ baste. Done it many times decades ago no big deal.
Isn't this too much hijacking of the mercury thread to keep discussing this?