Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Hydrogen Peroxide Explosives

ecos - 7-3-2014 at 00:03

Hi All,

i just found this forum today and I am very interested about this section :)

I didn't know that I can find a forum that discuss such stuff, it was my interest since i was young but couldn't find much info.

I used to play with Acetone Peroxide since it is very easy to prepare at home , I make very small quantity like 10 grams and play with it carefully since it is very sensitive.

Recently I found the attached document about "hydrogen peroxide explosives" and I am interested to try it with 100 grams quantities (time for big stuff).

I have some points that needs clarification and I hope you can help me about.

1- what is the sensitivity of hydroxide explosives (wood , AL, corn , .. + H202) ?

2- how many grams of Acetone Peroxide is needed to explode those stuffs?

3- what does he mean by "No. 6 blasting caps" ?

4-"76.8% hydrogen peroxide (90% ), and 23.2% wood pulp"
"the principal constituent of wood substance, is evidently stronger than nitroglycerin."

howcome ?!

5- the patent explain several derivatives from hydrogen peroxide but didn't compare them to each other or even mention the strength of each one in numbers ! do anybody have any idea about which mixture is the best?

6- I can find H202 with 50% concentration , how would i calculate the weight percentage for each mixture since he used 90% concentration

Attachment: US3047441.pdf (464kB)
This file has been downloaded 619 times

Marvin - 7-3-2014 at 04:09

Please leave your personal details with a member of the forum staff so that when you kill yourself we will have closure.

I'm completely serious.

Your post makes you sound like an idiot and you already want to make potentially lethal amounts.

It sounds like you've read nothing in the SM library.

trevor - 7-3-2014 at 04:50

ecos .. Are you kidding me??? 10 grams of a unstable (unpredictable) explosives are a small quantities?
For real .. dont try again to make another 10grams or more batch of this shit. That amount is potentially lethal!!!

Metacelsus - 7-3-2014 at 06:46

Quote: Originally posted by ecos  
make very small quantity like 10 grams and play with it



Zyklon-A - 7-3-2014 at 06:52

That's what I was just thinking.
Oh, yeah, I just play around with ten times the amount needed to remove both my hands- it's nothing.

ecos - 7-3-2014 at 06:54

Hi Guys :D

it seems there is a miss understanding here :)

10 grams is the full quantity i build but i divide it into small amounts to play with :) i don't play directly with 10 grams as one unit.

BTW , any answers for my questions above ? :)

hissingnoise - 7-3-2014 at 08:03


BTW , any answers for my questions above ? :)

Do you have a valid reason for not finding the answers yourself?

ecos - 7-3-2014 at 08:13

if i have any knowledge i won't ask !

DubaiAmateurRocketry - 7-3-2014 at 08:22

If you want to ask questions, you can post it on

There is a bad reputation and atmosphere on organoperoxides, 10 gram is a lot, more than enough to take your life.
A Member called Phones, was just like you, who synthesized organoperoxides and then died in an accident and made headlines. If you're new to EM, I suggest you read other posts here such as

DrChemistRabbit - 7-3-2014 at 08:31

most peroxides are terrible waste,I do think you'd better drop them away.

ecos - 7-3-2014 at 09:29

@DubaiAmateurRocketry , thanks for the advice.

@DrChemistRabbit, thanks for the reply :) , u surprise me !

ecos - 21-3-2014 at 18:47

I could find answers for my questions above , i have one concern and one question

my concern : it was stated hydrogen peroxide explosive is more stronger than NG !!! howcome?!

my question : did anybody here have knowledge about storage of those kind of explosives?

[Edited on 22-3-2014 by ecos]

numos - 21-3-2014 at 19:43

How do you store acetone peroxide? Very simple: you don't! If you have to make it use it immediately, long storage and it crystalizes and becomes much more unstable.

also 78% H2O2 can probably be considered an explosive by itself...

Stay safe, and of all the beautiful aspects of chemistry, why explosives? :(

ecos - 22-3-2014 at 06:02

hi numos,

i just want to learn , i wont try to concentrate H2O2 since it become very active and unstable.
but i feel that patent attached in my first post has make propaganda about peroxides explosive without any true proof in military or commercial fields

Fantasma4500 - 22-3-2014 at 12:56

keep it SMALLER, keep it SAFER and dont ever use fragmentating material
i think AP is very overrated, you really need to fuck up with it, however yes it does have slightly unpredictable properties, but not as much as HMTD

i think it should yet again be repeated that OP might not be the best to play around with +70% H2O2.. 80%H2O2 burns leather on contact.

have a go with flashpowder at first..
anyhow, i think the admins do have our IP and location..

it could seem that you are not that old or just not very interested in english
dont know how to say it... scale it up if you have at least decent experience in what you use, but keep on using peroxides and a person like you who asks questions like ''why is H2O2 + wood stronger than NG'' will end up flat on the ground, or probably even in pieces
at least you seperated the AP into smaller amounts and didnt start out with 500g AP, but try to find an alternative to peroxides until you go further with energetics scaling up

NeonPulse - 23-3-2014 at 00:56

perhaps, ecos you really should look into peroxide based primaries involved in accidents. there are countless stories of lost fingers,hands and worse. i think that you would be doing yourself a HUGE service to just find another interesting safer substance to play with. Any one of these 10 1g amounts may shoot if "played with"
it really is enough to do is easy to see why peroxides are an attractive choice for primaries. the materials are cheap, synthesis is quite simple and the yeilds are good but the trade off comes with the safety of them. I guess that you have been warned and hopefully take the advices of members here. research the stuff a bit more before deciding to carry on with the synthesis. Better still just dont go with AP if you do -keep it very small. research blasting caps too.

ecos - 25-3-2014 at 11:23

I am not talking about AP , i am talking about other stuff as attached in my first post.

Scientwisted - 25-3-2014 at 19:07

ecos... I can appreciate your enthusiasm for EMs but the way you are going about it is totally backwards and very dangerous. Many of us (I would like to believe the vast majority of us) are interested in the science and the scientific process first and foremost then marveling at the power second. THIS IS THE WRONG HOBBY TO PERSUE IF YOU LET YOUR AMBITION EXCEED YOUR SKILL AND KNOWLEDGE OF THIS CRAFT. That being said I would agree with other members and do a lot of research before you even think of synthesizing anything. The reason that some of the members seem dismissive is that the first post you listed made no god damn sense at all.
ie peroxide and many of the materials you listed are in compatible. Having a little knowledge and making large quantities of a very powerful highly unstable primary could very likely kill you and perpetuate the already bad stigma that this hobby is associated with. So PLEASE do some research read more threads and learn before you think of doing anything. So relax learn and above all else SAFETY FIRST. - Scientwisted :cool:

[Edited on 26-3-2014 by Scientwisted]

Steam - 25-3-2014 at 19:13

Quote: Originally posted by numos  
How do you store acetone peroxide? Very simple: you don't! If you have to make it use it immediately, long storage and it crystalizes and becomes much more unstable.

also 78% H2O2 can probably be considered an explosive by itself...

Stay safe, and of all the beautiful aspects of chemistry, why explosives? :(

Acetone peroxide (TATP) can be stored underwater and filtered and dried when needed. TATP sublimates into small crystals which are EXTREMELY shock sensitive (paranoid meth cooks sprinkle TATP around doorways to deter police officers entering their homes).

That being said if you do make TATP make sure you do it below 10*C to form the (more stable) trimer, if it goes above 10 degrees it will form the dimer which can off simply by touching it!

If you plan to make this compound I would recommend investing in some ACTUAL lab equipment (beakers, graduated cylinder, filter funnel). DO NOT make it all at once, do it in multiple small batches and have protection (full face shield, and leather gloves) when making this. It will save your life.

To get H2O2 you can use 30% hair bleacher which you can pick up at your local salon. Use stoichiometric amounts.

I don't know what the wood pulp is for, you really don't need it if you are just going for the boom!

If you plan to set off 100+ grams of TATP you will need an ignition method. If I were you I would be sure I was at least 100 yards away and behind cover. I would use a very long length of fuse to set it off.

ALWAYS remember to treat the compound your working with with respect.

Scientwisted - 25-3-2014 at 19:41

Steam I like how you're telling him to use stoichiometric amounts when is pretty apparent he doesn't know what he is doing. Further more why are you encouraging him to set off that amount of TATP or even have that amount of it period? Be careful what you say because people starting out who lack common sense may indeed try it.

Zyklon-A - 25-3-2014 at 20:43

I suggest never set off 100 grams of any primer. They are used to detonate secondary's.
If you really want to see 100 grams of a explosive going off, just make a few grams of your primary, and use that to set off large quantitys of stable explosives.
I have never set off any explosives in quantitys over 4 grams, nor do I want to.
In the same way that people spout misinformation like: "Cannabis is a 'gateway' drug." (It isn't.) They think that the more people set off explosives, the more they want to, and they want to set off bigger batches.
This, however, is far from the truth (except in the case of: Kewls, pyromaniacs, explosive experts, psychopaths, ect.) The first time I got Al powder, I made about 10 grams of flash powder, to show my family.
No accidents occurred, because I know what I was doing, had the proper safty equipment, and used potassium nitrate as an oxidizer. (With boric acid.) But it was a stupid thing to do non the less.
Now, I marvel at the brightness of .001 grams flash powder, and how much energy it gives off. It truly amazing to see a speck of dust, and as soon as it ignites - whoosh! With a bright light, and you can feel the heat.

[Edited on 26-3-2014 by Zyklonb]

Alexander.W - 4-4-2014 at 13:26

Well, actually anything(almost) with (peroxy-) sucks. They are low power and dangerous. And it is not stable. The decomposition of H2O2 can be catalyzed by so many common things.

specialactivitieSK - 22-10-2014 at 08:35

What happened in hexamethylenetetramine :

[Edited on 22-10-2014 by specialactivitieSK]

smokeup - 30-11-2014 at 12:58

agree with scientwisted.

its a bad idea to "subdivide to play" explosives sould be prepared and stored in quantities that you wouldn't mind going off in your hand, and assembled for use. There is an exception though because some dont like the sort of friction you get from mixing, those are produced, packaged, and stored in the usable quantity - a lot of primer materials are that way.

I know of at least one peroxide explosive that is powerful enough that one gram will blow all your extremities off.

I have to be honest here and say I am not nearly an expert at that stuff so if anyone disagrees with me give it some thought. I'm more interested in the other sections of the forum.

You might look into explosive handling licenses/demolition certifications for the educational materials they provide. If you find anything good see if the admin will add it to the library.

NeonPulse - 30-11-2014 at 15:31

Blow your hand off? You don't mean the fabled DPPP? Ha!

TATP is Storage Stable

Hennig Brand - 9-8-2015 at 08:45

For starters, I don't mean for this to be an endorsement for the use of acetone peroxide, there are much better primaries. I noticed the jar and realized how long it had been sitting there and thought it was interesting.

This has been stated already by Rosco and maybe others, but TATP is quite storage stable. It does have a high vapor pressure at ordinary temperatures and readily sublimes.

Here are a few pictures of 2-3 grams of acetone peroxide that was left under a bit of water in a pickle jar for 5 years or more. The jar has been sitting in the corner of a room at room temperature. It was not in direct sunlight, but it was not protected from normal room light either (not covered). It has become fairly coarse (about the same as a coarser grade of table sugar). About 0.6g of ETN hand pressed in a paper tube was initiated with 0.1g of a sample of the TATP which had been removed and let dry over night beforehand. This is a very crude test but it seems to posses the same qualities as freshly made TATP.

Interestingly, and thankfully, there didn't appear to be any TATP at the top of the jar, or around, or in the threads.

TATP 5 Years Old (1).jpg - 347kB TATP 5 Years Old (2).jpg - 317kB TATP 5 Years Old (3).jpg - 435kB

[Edited on 9-8-2015 by Hennig Brand]

Bert - 9-8-2015 at 09:38

1: An amateur posted results of TATP caps sealed with epoxy in Aluminum cases (re-purposed electrolytic capacitor cans AFAIK) and stored under various conditions for long periods. Old Roguesci regular, do not recall which one. Same results- It seems to be quite storage stable if well sealed against subliming away. Still not my cup of tea!

2: Storing primary explosives in glass, and leaving them laying about rather casually for years on end?!

PHILOU Zrealone - 9-8-2015 at 10:42

I confirm that in hermetically sealed recipient CTAP sublimes in very beautifull tiny crystals and stores wel for years (more than one decade now)... I used 500ml PET soda bottle.

Here are some pictures of very large CTAP crystals I did obtain long ago by a special crystalization process from mother liquor and dense solvent (TCE: CHCl=CCl2).

IMG_0348.JPG - 447kB IMG_0360.JPG - 317kB IMG_0363.JPG - 354kB IMG_0364.JPG - 311kB

[Edited on 10-8-2015 by PHILOU Zrealone]

nitro-genes - 9-8-2015 at 11:01

They are indeed nice looking, reminds me of the breaking bad episode with the mercury fulminate, this would certainly qualify :). Just curious, but how do they behave to flame? A friend of mine once lit one of these medium size crystals, he said it detonated with extreme vigor and lost his hearing at one side for a day.

"you got balls, I got to give you that"

[Edited on 10-8-2015 by nitro-genes]

Hennig Brand - 9-8-2015 at 16:06

The plastic PET storage bottle is a good idea. Glass can be hazardous and is best avoided unless there is good reason to use it. Very nice crystals BTW!

NeonPulse - 9-8-2015 at 18:31

Philip, how is the procedure that you used is special compared to normal crystallisation methods? I don't wish to copy your procedures i am just curious on how you got these neat looking crystals? And this took years to complete? Have you broken one remotely to see if it detonates? Great work! I love to see the various crystal shapes and sizes of energetic materials

PHILOU Zrealone - 10-8-2015 at 02:41

One of the main problem with CTAP is its volatility/sublimability.

Usually it makes a fine dusty-floculent material with normal proces.
This is better for safety of handling since large crystals are usually more shock and friction sensitive, but while people try to push it down a detonator, they also induce friction and pressure to increase density.

If one let it sublimate in a closed recipient, he will get after a few monthes the kind of crystals Hennig Brand displays in his pictures, those can grow with years to a few mm (1-2 mm large to 5 mm long).
The tiny crystals sublimate faster than the larges ones (specific surface dependant) and there is a kind of "competition/struggle" ...the large crystals become larger and larger while tiny disappear...but the proces slows down with time because the specific surface is reduced with time while bigger crystals grows.

In my process, the flocculent CTAP with mother liquor is put in contact with the minimum amount of a dense volatile solvent (a halogenated hydrocarbon is good for this and especially TCE - trichlorethylen). It dissolves readily CTAP and extract it from the mother liquor (H2O, aceton, aqueous HCl, H2O2 (30%), CTAP).
TCE has the advantage of displaying a density of 1,46 g/ccm and of being slightly is almost unsoluble in the mother liquor but stil a little.
PET bottles are resistant to TCE, but a tiny quantity may pass through by absorption and volatilisation...the bottle shrink a little and may deform a bit, while becoming milky (translucent by places).

So what happens?
1°)TCE is saturated with CTAP and mother liquor exhausted.
2°)TCE "evaporates" through bottle walls and through mother liquor (in the liquid phase and in the gaseous phase).
--> So do this in a hood or in outside shadow (not in sunshine!). Don't put this in a fridge or freezer, gaseous TCE will saturate all fatty material and plastic of your fridge/ a bad sweet etheral taste to your butter for example even if there for a few hours!
3°)CTAP concentrâtes, and once TCE oversaturated,it starts to crystallize on the top of the TCE (density CTAP 1,2-1,3) but below the mother liquor (d= 1,0-1,1).
Mother liquor is in equilibrium for CTAP with the TCE phase so mother liquor feed slowly the tiny, then big crystals below it.
4°)Usually crystals are centered in the bottle (because of a kind of hyperconcentrated oily flat droplet meniscus- both concave and convex floating in the center at the interface) grow upward and pearce through the interfacial plane between the two solvents.
5°)The process can be accelerated if the bottle is cap untwisted to allow for faster evaporation of TCE (do this outside or in a good hood TCE is a known hepatotoxic).
6°)So you will get large crystals like mine, but often crystal twinning happens and one core plurigenic crystal flowers are formed. This may be bad news since on a microcrystalline level, it means disturbance and stress.
Those points display a higher energy level and the activation energy is then lower what means shock and friction sensitivity will be enhanced... thus beautifull but dangerous (like womens ;)).

ALWAYS STORE under demi water in soft airtight plastic container, in tiny amount, away from sunlight - heat and UV and treat with the higher respect and care of a sensitive primary ready to detonate in your hands.

Big crystals are very dense and very dry (inside the crystal latice) so indeed they do deflagro-detonate much easier and stronger than loose CTAP powder.

Friction between big crystals is also much harder than with amorphous don't shake to listen to the beautifull sound of the crystals hitting the wall of the recipient!

[Edited on 10-8-2015 by PHILOU Zrealone]

Hennig Brand - 10-8-2015 at 04:24

Reading what Philou wrote made me think about my sample a little more. It actually hasn't been sitting in the corner of the room at room temperature for 5 years. I remember now that I took it out of the very back of the fridge sometime in the last year or two. It was in the fridge for at least 4 years before that though. Always meant to discard those last couple of grams, but somehow never got around to it. I guess my interest in the effects of long term storage was greater than any fear associated with its storage.

Bert, I know my safety practices sometimes leave a lot to be desired.

Microtek - 10-8-2015 at 09:09

Just a little caveat about storing primaries in PET soda bottles: They tend to accumulate a static charge. Also, there is the threaded lid. Both can quickly ruin your day...

At a minimum you need to store the primary (very) wet.

[Edited on 10-8-2015 by Microtek]

chemrox - 10-8-2015 at 10:42

When I was in school an inorganic student got a safety award for only losing three fingers instead of his eyes doing some gas line work with organic peroxides. There are lots of easy and much safer explosives; search and read. On that subject I noticed questions you had that google would have yielded answers and other question about basic stoichiometry that if you don't know you should learn before you go fucking around with things that go 'bang.'