Manganates.These salts are derived from manganic acid H2MnO4. Those of the alkali metals are prepared by fusing manganese dioxide with sodium or
potassium hydroxide in the presence of air or of some oxidizing agent (nitre, potassium chlorate, &c.); MnOi+2KHO+O=K2MOO4+H2O. In the absence of
air the reaction proceeds slightly differently, some manganese sesquioxide being formed; 3MOO2 +2KHO = K2MnO4 + Mn2O3 + FI2O. The fused mass has a
dark olive-green color, and dissolves in a small quantity of cold water to a green solution, which is, however, only stable in the presence of an
excess of alkali. The green solution is readil converted into a pink one of permanganate by a large dilution wit water, or by passing carbon dioxide
through it: 3K2MnO4+2CO2= 2K2CO,+2KMnO4+MnO2. |