Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Chemical storage ambient temperature

thesmug - 11-2-2014 at 21:33

I am currently looking for a better place to store my chemicals than I had before, and I think I've found a place that is perfect other than the fact that it is always fairly warm. I will get back to you with the actual ambient temp. of the room, but what temperature range do you suggest?

Also, correct me if this is in the wrong section.

Dr.Bob - 12-2-2014 at 07:32

I've worked in labs from 60F to 90F. Cooler is almost always better, but it is just a matter of what you have to work with. Anything in that range is fine, above 90 or 100F is going to be a real pain, as many solvents would evaporate quickly then. For solids, the temp usually does not matter that much, unless they melt low or are unstable to begin with. But salts, acids, and most organic solids are fine at 90F.