Sciencemadness Discussion Board

H3P03 from Anti-Fungal bottle

Keyser Soze - 7-2-2014 at 19:10

Many moons ago, on a now defunct site (wd), a member I believe who went by the name of Tramp, posted a step-by-step tutorial on how to extract P3P03 out of a certain anti-fungal bottle of fertilizer. I remember a microwave was used along with I believe a freezer and a diner plate. I can not remember for the life of me on
how the procedure went.
If anybody remembers, could you please refresh my memory.

elementcollector1 - 7-2-2014 at 19:30

WD and a phosphorus compound, huh?
Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm.

bfesser - 8-2-2014 at 08:25

Quote: Originally posted by Keyser Soze  
Tramp, posted a step-by-step tutorial on how to extract P3P03 out of a certain anti-fungal bottle of fertilizer. I remember a microwave was used along with I believe a freezer and a diner plate.
I assume by "WD," you're referring to Wet Dreams, the drug cook website; and by "P3P03," you mean H<sub>3</sub>PO<sub>3</sub>, <a href="" target="_blank">phosphonic acid</a> <img src="../scipics/_wiki.png" /> (a.k.a. phosphorous acid). Before this thread continues any further, I should inform you that ScienceMadness is about practicing chemistry as an amateur science; not the step-by-step preparation of illicit drugs and their precursors.

If anyone would like to reply to this query, then do so; but I'll close this if it garners more replies like elementcollector1's. Likewise, if it crosses the line to spoon-feeding and cookery, it will be closed.

Keyser Soze - 8-2-2014 at 10:30

I would really like for this thread to stay on topic, but at the same time if my question is over stepping any boundaries, those were not my intentions.