Yesterday I was toying with a pale yellow mushroom that forms a sack with a goodly amount of spores inside, the kind that billow a lot of smokey
spores when popped. The mushroom wasn't some perfectly round kind you sometimes see but an odd very light weight, pale yellow and brown, elongated
bumpy membrane somewhat egg-shaped and it didn't seem to have an pronounced attachment point where it rooted to the ground. So the thought was to see
how the spores might burn if held next to a lit Bic lighter.
Surprisingly, when the partially split sac of spores was compressed near a flame the fireball the burning spores made was quite perky, reminiscent of
lycopodium powder. So if you had a large amount of these which were collected for their spores, perhaps they'd be a comparable/alternative "dragon's
breath" source, slightly quirky or road less traveled.
I wonder if you had someone standing by with a lit propane torch if this puffball spore cloud would burst into flames?
Researching Astraeus hygrometricus recently perhaps it's spores would work as well as lycopodium for some effects if you could gather enough of them.
I bought a couple of 3 ounce bottles of lycopodium spores a few years ago, which is fairly bulky like powdered charcoal but not all that inexpensive.
[Edited on 24-2-2021 by Morgan] |