Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Sudan azo-compounds synthesis?

kazaa81 - 9-11-2004 at 12:42

Hallo to all,

I'm searching for a (or some) possible synthesis of Sudan fat-colorants.
I've searched over the net, but I've found only laws about their max. presence in foods.
Can anyone help, for example posting something I've not found or a synthesis?

Thanks for help

Theoretic - 10-11-2004 at 01:22

What the hell are "Sudan fat-colorants"?

[Edited on 10-11-2004 by Theoretic]

Esplosivo - 10-11-2004 at 02:01

He is most probably referring to Sudan dye. This is a lipid soluble dye. When Sudan red is added to a lipid the dye will move into the lipid layer coloring it red. I don't have any reference to its synthesis though, must look it up.

Edit: Found this pdf, google makes miracles. The reagents are not that easy to find though, unless one has easy access to chemicals.
Synthesis of Sudan dye

[Edited on 10-11-2004 by Esplosivo]


kazaa81 - 13-11-2004 at 13:50

Thanks for help!
Yes, I was referring at these Sudan dye,
I know as a lipid (or fat, the same!) indicator by color.
You've posted one synthesis about Sudan I, but I've see that there are much Sudan dyes, the last is Sudan IV, if I remember.

Thanks at all for help ;)