Sciencemadness Discussion Board

How to acquire glassware in the UK?

weeksie98 - 25-10-2013 at 15:10


I am looking for a way to acquire glassware in the UK without being raided. I have found an excellent UK site for glassware (Timstar), but worry that I will get unwanted attention if I order.

Should I be worried about this, or is eBay the best way to go?


Pyro - 25-10-2013 at 16:40

stop being paranoid. I have ordered tons of stuff online. One time I bought almost a kg of RP and KI and a kg of NaNO2, all used in drug making (not my intended purpose) and customs opened it and then just sent it on to me!
glassware isn't really a big deal, what exactly do you intend to buy?

Metacelsus - 25-10-2013 at 16:52

I recommend Laboy glass, from China. It's inexpensive and of reasonable quality. Best yet, the shipping is capped at $15 (about 11 Euros). It takes a while to arrive, though, as it's shipped from China.

Pyro is right; I wouldn't be worried about buying glassware, unless you live in Texas :mad: (which you obviously don't).

Pyro - 25-10-2013 at 16:54

with my experience laboy stuff usually arrives 2 weeks after payment

Metacelsus - 25-10-2013 at 16:56

Funny; that's my experience too even though I live in the US.

Hexavalent - 27-10-2013 at 10:12

To the OP: I live in Wales, and have purchased most of my glassware on eBay with no difficulties or issues at all.