Quote: Originally posted by underground | Is there any other chemical to react between AN/UN to form guanidine nitrate ? as long as i can not find anywhere here silica gel (except Internet)
there is no need for urea nitrate to make guanidine nitrate.
you have to reakt ammonium nitrate with urea
and as far as i know, i ve seen the same synthesis, without silica gel...but cant find it anymore...
another synthesis way is with Calcium cyanamide and ammonium nitrate...
and, if you want to make Nitroguanidine...i dont know if this is a good choice....as you said, ETN is much stronger....NitroGua. is less sensitive and
better to handle (saver), but that stuff isnt easy to ignite...without a strong booster and added sensitizers, this will be a fail cause its less
sensitive than -pure- ammonium nitrate
and dont be naive...you woundnt get 8200m/s....if you get 6-7000m/s im proud on you so if you wand performace stay at ETN (and please dont melt that
i wonder what exactly you are going to do with this HEs?
if you are going to make shaped charges or something else, this would make sense but i dont think so....you will earn much easier success (simple
detonations) with AN, carbon containing stuff and lets say up to 5 percent of ETN as sensitizer
there is no huge differece between 1kg ANNM and stuff with more brisance...both will fuck shit up...i think at my first, really huge charge...i made
some 600g ANFO underground before and no load BANG...so ....hey, letz put 1.5 kg ANNM-AL at thouse tree and beeing just 30 metres away in cover....i
thought the apocalypse just started
if you really want to see differences (performace) at explosives make shaped charges... |