Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Book required about smoke compounds...

kazaa81 - 10-10-2004 at 12:08

Hallo to all,
I've listen about a cool book about smoke compounds and similar chemistry applied.
It's title is "Improvised Ninja Smoke Devices".
If anyone has a copy of this, can please post as attachment?

Thanks for help

BromicAcid - 10-10-2004 at 18:50

I was unaware that a book had been written on the subject. There was a time when I made a few simple impact detonated flash bombs with smoke, however I got my information from a few scattered papers.

If you google in the groups section for "Ninja Smoke Bomb" you get lots of relevant results that should prove helpful.

However this really comes close to falling into practical pyrotechnics, I know you're just looking for the book, but the discussion itself seems borderline.

Eliteforum - 10-10-2004 at 23:14

Said books is a spin off from the crapbook and should be avoided!

[Edited on 11-10-2004 by Eliteforum]

aikon - 11-10-2004 at 10:14

I have a copy of the book "Improvised Ninja Smoke Devices". I agree to Eliteforum: this book is bullshit, but if you or anyone else want a copy I'll scan it in the next few weeks. I'm quite busy at the moment.

Mephisto - 11-10-2004 at 10:59

Don't scan it, if you think it's crap.

Anyway, you can download it from the ed2k-network:

<a href="ed2k://|file|Yamashiro,%20Toshitora%20-%20Improvised%20Ninja%20Smoke%20Devices.pdf|5245941|33FF772108D98C19267A5C7609EF1D5A|/">Yama shiro, Toshitora - Improvised Ninja Smoke Devices.pdf</a> ← That's a link for Emule & Co, not http.

JohnWW - 11-10-2004 at 12:08

Even after installing Emule and Edonkey, I have never been able to get ED2K downloads to work.

John W.

Mephisto - 11-10-2004 at 12:21

There are a lot of tutorials (and boards) about setting up Emule and Edonkey, just google for them.

Thanks to everyone!

kazaa81 - 15-10-2004 at 12:21


first I must say thanks to everyone who have helped me!
But second I've looked that the book is somewhat a crapbook....
Can anyone tell me a good book about these arguments (smoke devices ninja)?

Thanx to all!

The_Davster - 15-10-2004 at 12:47

There are several sources of info on smoke devices around the internet.
What exactly makes a smoke device "ninja" anyway?

Hobbit Porn - 15-10-2004 at 17:36

one that is used by ninja?


BromicAcid - 15-10-2004 at 22:28

In the past I have put a few requirements on ninja smoke devices:

  1. Impact sensitive (to throw down and explode)
  2. Intensely bright flask (to daze and confuse)
  3. Thick almost instant smoke (to conceal the get away)
  4. Nearly 100% reliability, but won't go off in your pocket.
  5. Must be small


MadHatter - 16-10-2004 at 18:55

JohnWW, never had a successful download from eDonkey(Overnet) myself. Find some
other P2P network.

ed2k and emule, thread hijackers

S.C. Wack - 16-10-2004 at 22:42

I had no problems getting the pdf (complete with handwritten translations to German) by clicking the link, after opening eMule and connecting to a server. You just have to realize that you have to wait. My QR was 2, from 1 of the 3 sources, so I got it in a half hour.

I just wanted to see what you were talking about - I don't go prowling around in ninja costumes. AFAIK.

BTW, my problem is not downloading, it's uploading - my ISP uses NAT. Can't even upload a file once I've finished a download of it, and everyone in my queue has gotten a piece. Torrents are the only programs that I know of that get around this. So I have a request for anyone who has downloaded any files from FTP#2 with scwack listed as the owner of the file - could you put them in your shared files folder if you use other file sharing programs? Pretty please? As I am unable to upload anywhere except FTP's and torrents until I change my ISP.

Except "Techniques of Glass Manipulation..." That was an experiment in .gif that looked fine until DjVu got ahold of it. Sorry about that one. Will redo when my plate is not so full.