The biggest problem when mixing explosive or HEDM with a new, untested binders, plasticizers or adhesive is the chemical compatibility. Some chemical
are not compatible with each other so the can react with time or one of the ingredient may induce decomposition in the other component. For a brief
section on compatibility check section 5.3 of LLNL Explosives Handbook-Properties of Chemical Explosives and explosive simulants (rev.2-1985), B.
Dobratz. Remember not every time you added binder you decrease sensitivity. Many published work mention that increase in sensitivity is observed with
some PBX type explosive. The reason of increased sensitivity is the presence of cracks, minute bubble gas (trapped bubble gas or from explosive
decomposition) induced with aging or thermal cycling. these voids can act as a potential sites for hot spot formation and thus render the explosive
more easy to ignite and this by decreasing the critical pressure of initiation needed for initiation. Also, because you don't have special equipment
for pressing your new explosive composition to high density, detonation performance will suffer. So be careful for these aspect with your new
explosive composition.
Dany. |