APO - 15-6-2013 at 18:40
I got 8 (1oz) bottles of 2% Iodine Tincture from Safeway, and I added all of them to a beaker, added Potassium Hydroxide slowly until it didn't get
any clearer. At this point I had suspected that I had produced a mix of Potassium Iodide and Sodium Iodide, my goal was to make Iodine from this. I
then added 8.25% Sodium Hypochlorite Bleach (no Sodium Hydroxide was listed in the ingredients), here's were things got surprising... As soon as the
Bleach hit the solution of suspected Iodides, instead of a precipitate of Iodine, a small stream of red appeared and disappeared. I added more, and a
light yellow precipitate began to form and it heated up near boiling very quick. I added bleach until no more yellow solid formed, and added it to a
salt-ice bath, no more crystals appeared to form so I filtered them out. I have a hunch I've made Iodoform, but I'm not sure.
I didn't think through what I was doing, but I feel I should take more care now. I think the ethanol from the tincture reacted to make chloroform
which reacted with the Iodine/iodide being formed to make Iodoform?
This is very important, so I'll posted video/pics as soon as I can.
chemcam - 15-6-2013 at 18:58
Wow, you did that ALL wrong lol. Watch my video, I show exactly how to isolate the iodine from the tincture bottles.
Isolating Iodine
APO - 15-6-2013 at 19:00
I breathed in some vapor, will I die now? I really don't wanna tell my parents.
APO - 15-6-2013 at 19:04
I'm having a bit of trouble breathing now, what should I do?
I was just trying to use bleach instead of H2O2/HCl.
plante1999 - 15-6-2013 at 19:08
I think you made iodoform, some of theses bottles contain isopropanol, and other alcohols which readily react with hypoiodite, which is formed when
bleach is added to iodide solution.
APO - 15-6-2013 at 19:09
Will I be OK?
chemcam - 15-6-2013 at 19:09
I doubt you will die from that, your throat/nose might hurt a little bit for a couple of days though. You'll know if you need to see a doctor.
I really suggest a fume hood. But you know that I'm sure.
I just saw that you wrote you're having trouble breathing, when you breathe chemical vapors in it causes your throat to swell making it harder to
breathe, if it gets worse you need to see a doctor. If you have an inhaler for allergies you should use it now. Albutoral or however its spelled.
[Edited on 6-16-2013 by chemcam]
plante1999 - 15-6-2013 at 19:22
Sorry, we are no doctors, but iodoform is much like chloroform, but worst because iodine atoms are larger. In large(er) quantity, it kills. It is much
more toxic than chloroform tough. On standing, it decompose to iodine and carbon compounds, which made it a used as a disinfectant, this use was
stopped due to the toxicity of it tough.
[Edited on 16-6-2013 by plante1999]
Finnnicus - 15-6-2013 at 19:26
APO, I think you'll be alright.
As usual, the advice is to just leave it alone, and if you feel particularly unwell, see a doctor.
If you'd like, consult an online doctor.
APO - 15-6-2013 at 19:30
Can I make the Iodoform into Potassium Iodide.
plante1999 - 15-6-2013 at 19:44
yes, making potassium formate in the process
4 KOH + CHI3 -) 3KI + KHCOO + 2H2O
React it with a boiling potassium hydroxide solution. Then find a way to extract it from the formate. You can also make acetylene out of it if you
react it with silver powder.
[Edited on 16-6-2013 by plante1999]
APO - 15-6-2013 at 19:45
Nevermind, I threw it away.
[Edited on 16-6-2013 by APO]
APO - 15-6-2013 at 20:07
I got it back out now, potassium formate is just too interesting.
APO - 15-6-2013 at 20:49
The Iodoform doesn't seem to be reacting with the Potassium Hydroxide.
plante1999 - 15-6-2013 at 21:00
hmm, find a iodoform synthesis video on youtube, publias video, if I remember got a good one. then try it with this product. and the sol of KOH need
to be concentrated by the way.
Not that I watch video, but more that I know you are still very early in your chemistry skill, and would like a video.
APO - 15-6-2013 at 21:41
Hexavalent - 16-6-2013 at 05:38
I myself have a YouTube video on the preparation of CHI3;