The impurities in SiC are even wanted, because very pure SiC is non-condictive, like diamond, and highly doped by impurities it's conductivity is
close to metals(OK,not) rather than semiconductors. Also from my test - even if it passivates, it takes hours (unlike titanium), current gets down
slowly and degradation is observed by naked eye. I even think, that conductivity loss is caused not by SiO2 between crystal/liquid interface, bet
between pressed crystals (it's not monocrystalline). Also there may be conditions under which it'll not degrade at all - for example I noticed in NaCL
solution it'll not happen from the beginning, but starts from some moment and then gets worse, which I think indicates, that it's not stable in
alkaline medium, but may hold well in neutral. Also using as a substrate is attractive compared to Ti, which cannot be easily coated with PbO2 under
anodic conditions (passivates instantly or oxidized by PbO2 later) and needs another layer between them. I'm not advocating this type of anode, since
I don't really know much about what can be done with it, just that it's kind of not investigated opportunity.
I don't know what you found on alibaba, but you must be sure it's SiC, which is usually used in high-temperature furnaces for metal smelting,for
example (it doesn't need an inert atmosphere as high as 1600°C if I remember correctly), it may be for water heaters also (I don't know), but I've
heard there's also MoSi2 type of thing exist, which is also used as a heating element not to confuse (also another option?). |