Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Possible phishing attack?

Gearhead_Shem_Tov - 20-5-2013 at 04:08

I just received a u2u from chongabuda21, who has never posted anything, but wants to ask me about about "ammoniated mercury also known as mercuric amide chloride". No problem, lots of people want to know about mercury compounds.

But why me? I don't recall ever posting on the subject, and I'm certainly no expert. But this "bloke" joined the group just twelve minutes after my most recent previous post, which was about the spam I'd just reported.

The name, the timing, and the odd nature of the note lead me to believe this is a slightly more sophisticated spammer than usual. I think chongabuda21 wants a reply to his u2u, but for what purpose? Phishing is the only thing I can think of.

I haven't replied, and I don't intend to reply. Anybody else come across this tactic before?


woelen - 20-5-2013 at 06:11

Never reply to that kind of U2U's from members who just registered one or two days ago and have no posting history at all. I have checked out the account chongabuda21 and I decided to remove that user. This guy just registered and had 0 posts.

I have had complaints of other members as well, also about U2U's from unknown members asking about sources for purchase of chemicals like red P or iodine.

[Edited on 20-5-13 by woelen]