Sciencemadness Discussion Board

shipping of chemicals

DubaiAmateurRocketry - 17-5-2013 at 22:45

I am about to ship some stuff from another country with DHL, before that i want to make sure if it is legal ?

this time its aluminum powder so im sure nothing will happen, but im getting hexamine on next time, and ammonium perchlorate.

all of them are not dangerous unless heated so ??? will this be ok ?

woelen - 18-5-2013 at 01:29

This kind of questions cannot be simply answered here. None of the chemicals you mention is illegal to import or to own where I live, but things might be otherwise in your country! Each country has its own rules. I do not know rules in Dubai. You have to lookup yourself or ask someone locally in your country.

Fantasma4500 - 18-5-2013 at 13:57

hexamine can burn, chances are small of that suddenly starting to burn
ammonium perchlorate can decompose at higher temperatures (same chances as with hexamine if you ask me)
i really dont see how they can take these things as being dangerous to ship, perhaps i just lack imagination since i cant imagine what could go wrong really..

but i think for DHL they have drivers that are trained in handling hazardous compounds and the like, you could give them a call and say its potentially flammable?

zed - 19-5-2013 at 14:56

You are in Dubai. Rules are different there. Make damn sure there are no possible problems....before attempting to obtain chemicals.

Joining or starting a rocketry club, or a fireworks club, if either of those actions is possible, will help you.

It isn't the inherent safety of shipping such chemicals that should worry you.

The worrisome thing, is your actions being considered suspicious by law enforcement.

My friends tell me that UAE is probably the best place to live in the Arab world. Still, it is in the Arab world, and the fear of terrorist attacks must have law enforcement officials in a highly vigilant state. If the authorities get the wrong idea about your activities, it could result in jail time.

[Edited on 19-5-2013 by zed]

Oscilllator - 20-5-2013 at 00:25

generally speaking, your not allowed to ship oxidisers. I believe ammonium perchlorate is an oxidiser, so be sure to check that one before you ship

DubaiAmateurRocketry - 20-5-2013 at 00:37

In dubai it is allowed to buy anything, and yeah also ammonium perchlorate in local chemical stores, but for very great prices, therefore Im buying much cheaper ones online with same qualities, and since it is allowed i guess the shipping is allowed too ?

woelen - 20-5-2013 at 06:07

If buying any chemical is allowed in Dubai and does not lead to nasty interrogations, then you also can have them shipped from abroad. But you still have to adhere to shipping rules. There are so-called IATA rules for small excepted quantities, and there are ADR-regulations for road and ship traffic. Shipping of chemicals may be quite expensive and if you want it done legally, then the price of shipping may become so high that buying some of it locally may be more interesting.

Just contact some DHL agency and ask them about the cost of shipping chemicals from abroad. Especially air-transport may be prohibitively expensive.

Fantasma4500 - 21-5-2013 at 05:13

true.. the problem would be if they realise they have something onboard they dont want onboard..
i dont know if they say theres this this this and this in and inform them on the specific chemicals properties, but anyhow when i order H2SO4 it was marked as NOT allowed on plane (yea.. it would cause quite some panic and trouble if it started leaking at 10 km height if you understand)

zed - 25-5-2013 at 13:51

Of course, the ultimate in rocketry might be using petroleum based products as propellants.

Sadly, here in the U.S., we never mastered that technology. We have generally used exotic things like Hydrazine, 90% H202, etc. Effective, but not very economical.

The Russians apparently had a rocket genius who could get satellites into orbit via much more mundane fuels. Like kerosene. Probably deceased by now. I'll look it up.

hyfalcon - 25-5-2013 at 14:16

Hey zed, the Saturn V's were powered by kerosene and lox.