Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Text worth check?

Funkerman23 - 21-3-2013 at 22:06

First and foremost please forgive me if this is in the wrong place but before I go tearing up a treasure of mine I'd like to ask the members here if this book would be of interest. I have in my possession a copy of a rather old and odd textbook. The title is Elements of Chemistry by edited by William Draper M.D. The Spine reads Kane's Chemistry edited by Draper. Mine has a date of 1843. Would anybody be interested in an electronic file of this text should I decide to dismantle it?Or rather is this text worth digitizing? So far as I can it is a general text of that time. opinions & advice greatly appreciated. I don't know if Reference's has this digitized but before the book collapses( a very real fear of mine given my copies prior handlers) I wanted to ask.

woelen - 21-3-2013 at 23:21

If this is an original 1843 volume in good shape, then it might have a high value. I first would asses that before taking the book apart in the copying process. Professional copying services probably can do this without damaging the book, if you do it and you want decent copies, then you may destroy it.

watson.fawkes - 22-3-2013 at 07:48

There are three scans already available at There are two of the 1842 edition and also one of a later 1854 edition.
1842 -
1842 -
1854 -

Funkerman23 - 22-3-2013 at 10:17

Thanks! Saves me from tearing it up although their scanned editions are in better shape than mine from the looks of it. I'll have to try the Archive deeper then, Thanks! Didn't know they kept pdfs like this.