Hobbit Porn - 22-7-2004 at 18:21
Hey guys,
A few years back when I was starting a science degree, my dad showed me an article in a magazine ( Significant Bits.. I think that is
the name of it) that detailed how to build a digital microscope using a digital Camera, PVC tubing, and a few lenses.
Anyone know anywhere where I could possibly find details like this again (or even if they know the magazine I'm talking about).
Edit: spelling for google
[Edited on 24-7-2004 by chemoleo]
chemoleo - 23-7-2004 at 12:35
How about calculating the lenses/distances required yourself? This should make an interesting project! In principle this shouldnt be particularly
hard... unlike making radioactive astatine or something
FrankRizzo - 23-7-2004 at 19:56
Here's a link that you may find interesting:
If_6_was_9 - 24-7-2004 at 11:24
How about something like this?
I bought one of these QX3+ microscopes on Ebay a while ago. The resolution isn't top quality, but the price is pretty good.
[Edited on 24-7-2004 by If_6_was_9]
[Edited on 24-7-2004 by If_6_was_9]
Hobbit Porn - 25-7-2004 at 20:51
thats pretty cool, but still, more interested in the digital camera idea.
Although, the eye piece would be a nifty addition to my microscope.