Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Help with identification of unknown formula

Danster - 25-1-2013 at 14:36

I need a help with identification of this formula:

It is in a logo of one cafe in Prague, I thought about a cofein, but it is wrong. Any ideas?
Thank you very very much

kavu - 25-1-2013 at 14:47

Looks like an exotic cubic unit cell, ZnS seems to crystallize in one of these. Unit cells have hardly anything to do with coffee shops and I think it's just chosen for artistic reasons.

Endimion17 - 25-1-2013 at 16:01

It's part of a diamond crystal lattice. It crystallizes in a face centered cubic cell, and it's made of atoms bonded covalently in tetrahedrons.

Danster - 26-1-2013 at 07:37

Thank you :)