This is one of the nicest paths in organic lab for teaching lots of methods and mechanisms. 
After you get fumaric acid, you can brominate it to get 2,3-dibromosuccinic acid (it takes few hours watching a strong mixer mixing a bloody brownish
red goo) which you can use for elimination of bromine and hydrogen atom using potassium hydroxide in methanol to yield hydrated acetylenedicarboxylic
acid crystals (simple reflux) which can be esterified with methanol (sulphuric acid catalyst, simple reflux) to yield dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate
which can be used in Diels-Alder reactions.
It's a lot of fun work that not only strenghtens students' organic lab techniques, but teaches them a valuable lesson about yields, too. They usually
start with a fairly large quantity of maleic anhydride (and do the hydrolysis to turn it to acid) and by the time they get the small amount of the
desired product, it's obvious how it's quite valuable.
It also uses ether, and people just love them some ether. 
BTW this should go to Organic chemistry. |