Quote: Originally posted by silvergrahm | The bath is being used to sensitize a collodion plate. Nitrocellulose suspended in ether and ethanol, with a small amount of KI and KBr is poured onto
an aluminum plate. After the solvents evaporate a bit the plate is submerged into the bath of silver nitrate and the plate becomes coated in silver
halides. Then in the dark it's transferred to the camera, etc etc.
I have heard that a "pinch" of KNO3 helps to whiten highlights. But this was way more than a pinch.
Thank you though your response was very helpful. I think I'll be back on this forum because I have always wanted to understand (conceptually, at
least) more about the photo chemistry involved in wet plate, but it seems no one has any idea on the photo forums. |
Hi, I am a photographer also and was wondering which photo forums you refer to. Just in case, Photo.net has a very large darkroom photography member
list. Alternative photography forum is also very specialised. I know what you mean though about the lack of knowledge about the nitty gritty of
chemistry, I too like chemistry for its own sake and want to understand the engine behind every molecule, so although these people are very
knowledgeable about chemicals and processes, they naturally confine it to their immediate needs, which is understandable. |