Ok you got me on the words! Ok you got me on the words!
I was refering on electropositivity as opposed to electronegativity!
Electronegativity of Hg, Ag, Cu is 1,9 and thus electropositivity is 2,1!
You spoke about electric potential and there it is true that Ag(+) is a stronger oxydiser than Cu(2+) and Cu(+) and Hg(2+) a little more than Ag(+)!
Thus Cu will displace Ag(+) and Hg(2+) salts and Ag will displace Hg(2+); but if the effect is strong with highly soluble nitrate salts it will be
another story for the very unsoluble Hg and Ag fulminates- read very slow and uncomplete --> USELESS!
The use of Zn, Al, Mg, Ca, Na will help a lot because potential difference is bigger what gives some drive force to the reaction and with a proper
choice, you will get a soluble fulminate salt that will allow nearly all metathesis one could think off!