Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Voice scrambling software

Fusionfire - 11-10-2012 at 04:23

Hi guys,

Can anyone recommend software to scramble the voices in a pre-existing mp3 file without rendering them inaudible?

An mp3 file was forwarded to me where someone called up to enquire about LP Chemicals' policy.


triplepoint - 11-10-2012 at 06:00

Here's one that claims to do what you are looking for and offers a free trial:

I have no personal experience with it. Good luck.

Dave Angel - 11-10-2012 at 09:21

If it's not too laborious to type out then you could just post a transcript of the conversation.

By the way, I believe secret recording of phone calls is illegal under British law, just something to watch out for in case it gets back to LP Chemicals and dumps your friend in it...

triplepoint - 11-10-2012 at 11:50

Quote: Originally posted by Dave Angel  
I believe secret recording of phone calls is illegal under British law, just something to watch out for in case it gets back to LP Chemicals and dumps your friend in it...

According to wikipedia (not perfect but a place to start), one-sided consent to recording is legal BUT the resulting recording may not be released to 3rd parties, so it could not legally be given to you to use.

phlogiston - 11-10-2012 at 13:57

Nurdrage sounds like he did something to the audio to render his voice unrecognizable in his youtube video's. Perhaps he can offer some advice?
I sure hope that's not his real voice anyway.

SM2 - 12-10-2012 at 07:28

There are so many out there, but the only true way to scramble your voice (so it can not be decrypted) would utilize a vocoder. A phase vocoder would do nice, but it has been done for years with analog vocoders. If you ever read ads in Janes weekly Defense, vocoder chips are advertised just for this purpose. Also, using a laser to ensure point to point communication, but that wasn't really your question.

triplepoint - 12-10-2012 at 08:10

Quote: Originally posted by phlogiston  
Nurdrage sounds like he did something to the audio to render his voice unrecognizable in his youtube video's. Perhaps he can offer some advice?

It depends on how secure you want to be. From what I've read, Nurdrage's method is not very hard to reverse simply by playing with the frequency of the audio. It'll protect him from casual recognition, but not from a concerted attack. The earlier suggestion of using a transcript may be something to consider. Having a transcript is going to be useful for many purposes anyway.

mr.crow - 12-10-2012 at 08:47

Nurdrage speaks very fast in real life, I suspect he slowed it down to make it easier to understand

Just write a transcript of your MP3

Fusionfire - 15-10-2012 at 00:08

I've removed any bits containing names of individuals on both sides. Unfortunately the transcript does not convey tone of voice. "Anon." spoke politely throughout while the salesperson from Euro Lab Supplies/LP Chemicals was very rude.


ELS Ltd.: Good afternoon, Euro Lab Supplies
Anon.: Hi, may I please speak with {removed}?
ELS Ltd.: Yes, I am {removed}
Anon.: Hi {removed}, this is {removed}, I sent you an email yesterday about the chemical order.
ELS Ltd.: Right
Anon.: Did you receive it?
ELS Ltd.: Let me have a look at my emails
Anon.: Do you know when I can expect a reply from you?
ELS Ltd.: Let me have a look for it first.
Anon.: Yes. It was sent yesterday morning.
ELS Ltd.: Right, I am sorry but we cannot supply supplies to you, it is company policy and nothing to do with the law.
It is how we operate our company policy and thats the policy we have. We dont supply chemicals to residents
Anon.: But you told me this policy is based on advice from the Home Office.
ELS Ltd.: That's right. Yes we have advice from the Home Office and various contacts with the police as well.
Since we are a private company we decide who we deal with and who we don't deal with.
Unfortunately we are not going to deal with you so you can send as many emails as you want but we are not going to supply you any
chemicals I am afraid.
Anon.: And why have you decided not to deal with me?
ELS Ltd.: It is company policy, as I've said. We don't have to explain anything more than that.
It is company policy we don't supply chemicals to people at homes.
Anon.: But this policy you said was based on advice from the Home Office.
ELS Ltd.: That's right.
Anon.: Do you mind if I have this policy document?
ELS Ltd.: This is not a discussion, we have made a decision, that's it I am afraid maam.
So unfortunately we cannot supply them to yourself. That's it.
So please don't send me any emails or bother me at the office again, please.
Thank you.
{ELS Ltd. hangs up}

[Edited on 15-10-2012 by Fusionfire]

triplepoint - 15-10-2012 at 08:02

Perhaps this is an opportunity for the sciencemadness UK chapter to start a legitimate chemical supply house. A legal business that would be able to buy from these guys and legally re-sell to individuals.

Fusionfire - 15-10-2012 at 08:21

I thought about that. Euro Lab Supplies or LP Chemicals don't deserve any custom given how rude their salesperson is.

I bet if it was a large establishment the same droid will be grovelling for business, but because it is a small customer he is rude as a rottweiler. So please if anyone is thinking of buying from them as a business to sell on to amateur chemists, find another company.

My friend's wife who made the call had the most posh English accent too.

triplepoint - 15-10-2012 at 08:35

Let me clarify - I didn't necessarily mean buying from this specific company, but rather as a way of buying from any of these companies. I know the subject has been raised before, but I'm suggesting it as a real business rather than a corporate shell for individuals to use to circumvent restrictions.

Dave Angel - 16-10-2012 at 11:03

Quote: Originally posted by Fusionfire  
So please don't send me any emails or bother me at the office again, please.
Thank you.
{ELS Ltd. hangs up}

How very rude! I won't try to excuse their behaviour or critiscise the caller's manner but it's difficult to get anything out of anyone when it becomes a back and forth like that. With the right kind of manipulation it might have been possible to get them to send the document, but I admit it's easy to say this in hindsight - when in the middle of it, it's not quite so easy. Frankly, chances were very slim - there's nothing in it for the sales guy to help you out.

What this does tell us is that it is an opt-out thing, probably as a result of strongly worded advice about liability should Something Bad TM be done with the chemicals. As you guys have discussed, there's nothing to stop one of the more capital-heavy members setting up a company to resell to forum members.

Well anyway, a FOIA request similar to the one drafted here has been filed with the Home Office. We should have a response early November.

Follow it here:
(hyperlink deliberately broken so it doesn't trace back to the forum)

chemrox - 16-10-2012 at 13:39

There's always some nerd wants to chime in with some irrelevant crap about the law. I wear a trench coat and carry a gun. isn't that enough?