Sciencemadness Discussion Board

How stupid can you get?

Hexavalent - 26-9-2012 at 12:16;_ylt=Agl8tTTgifVHt3E...

unionised - 26-9-2012 at 12:17

What were you looking for when you found that?

Hexavalent - 26-9-2012 at 12:29

I was actually looking into the discovery of oxygen and ended up on a Yahoo! question. Looking at the bottom, there were links to other chemistry questions which I thought I'd look through to see if I could be of any help...the title on this one wasn't very descriptive, so I clicked into it and saw this.

Vogelzang - 26-9-2012 at 13:37

The DEA would provide her with all the chemicals she needs to make meth and even teach her how to make it.

99chemicals - 26-9-2012 at 14:42

Well you could say your full name and ask for people to come over your house and help you make meth.

SM2 - 26-9-2012 at 16:31

I don't know. Yahoo answers are about the lowest of the low. But this's almost as he's mocking this in some way. He's not serious. My guess.

mrspore - 26-9-2012 at 16:34

clearly pretty stupid... and 99chemicals thats a neat little joke you have. ... hahaha

my youtube: if anyone wants it :P

violet sin - 26-9-2012 at 20:05

could be any of a number of things, kid doing a report and not realizing the error of his FBI monitored ways, some one poorly trolling, or just a junkie that is trying to enhance his penalties upon getting busted... I went to community colege near Orville California a decade ago.(lots lots lots of meth) made there. you could round up a whole posse of single digit IQ's in that town. so it wouldn't surprise me if it was a user...

at one time C2001, I heard the county made more meth than some COUNTRY'S... not sure if its true but bikers were without doubt cooking for years there, and so were mexican gangs. books have been written about it. the joke for miles around there was it was the town where the tooth brush was invented... because if it was made anywhere else it would have been called a teeth brush...

zoombafu - 27-9-2012 at 13:48

Yahoo answers are horrible, most of the people asking are just too lazy to do the research themselves, and most of the people answering just us something that they deem in their minds to be correct.