Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Sweating, coldness...

Adas - 4-9-2012 at 11:33

I am sorry if I posted this in wrong thread, but I need your help, because I failed to find needed information on Google.

My girl friend often (like every day) experiences sudden strong sweating (without any odor), temperature changes (hot or cold) and her hands are shaky.

Have you got any idea what this could be? It is very embarassing and uncomfortable for her to deal with it every day.
Thanks for your time.

Mailinmypocket - 4-9-2012 at 12:10

Quote: Originally posted by Adas  
I am sorry if I posted this in wrong thread, but I need your help, because I failed to find needed information on Google.

My girl friend often (like every day) experiences sudden strong sweating (without any odor), temperature changes (hot or cold) and her hands are shaky.

Have you got any idea what this could be? It is very embarassing and uncomfortable for her to deal with it every day.
Thanks for your time.

She might be having episodes of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)... I am diabetic and those are the exact symptoms of low blood glucose. When it happens she should try a glass of juice or snack. Also, consulting a doctor would be wise!

hissingnoise - 4-9-2012 at 12:13

Your girlfriend needs to see her GP ─ only he can answer those questions, and then only after he's examined her.

hyfalcon - 4-9-2012 at 14:20

Sounds like some blood work is definitely in order.

Adas - 5-9-2012 at 08:38

Thank you very much, guys. She says she has low blood sugar levels all the time. :)

SM2 - 6-9-2012 at 05:42

not being an alopathic, she should see a REAL doctor (one who has his office IN a hospital, and not at a clinic). Without knowing more, you might want to ask about the possibility of mild opioid or anti-depressant withdrawal. Glucogon/insulin unbalance. Lack of exercise. Poor nutrition. Proper vitamine and mineral balance (in small amounts). Here at my house, I RO the water, then add back in Mg, Potassium, sulfate, Calcium, tiny amounts of L. Basically recreating NY NY water.

The combination of all these things can have a huge impact. She can take a walk or jog every day or other day. How is her libido - any changes there? Maybe difficult to ask questions. A simple blood screen can rule out anything ominous.

White Yeti - 16-9-2012 at 11:42

Quote: Originally posted by Fennel Ass Ih Tone  
not being an alopathic, she should see a REAL doctor (one who has his office IN a hospital, and not at a clinic)

This may not be the case where you live, but in the US seeing a doctor costs an arm and a leg. I'd stick to assuming these are symptoms of hypoglycemia until proven otherwise.

Adas - 17-9-2012 at 07:49

The doctor told her she had hypoglycaemia. Maybe it is caused by higher levels of insulin. She also told me that she has something wrong with her thyroid.

chemrox - 12-11-2012 at 16:02

I would have guessed hypoglycemia. Could be caused by a general imbalance, lack of exercise ;^) and poor diet. Send her to a naturopath if you want to see her get better.

Random - 17-11-2012 at 13:59

I used to be always cold when I wasnt eating properly along with sore throats like every few weeks if I had not been using various stuff to heal them

Now when I eat a bunch of healthy foods with high fat and protein content I never felt better. I dont even know the difference between winter and summer anymore. Could be thyroid problems...can also be caused by bad nutrition..

From my experience girls eat like shit especially if they are skinny with no muscle mass so good nutrition and exercise will help even if its not the actual problem.

[Edited on 17-11-2012 by Random]