For some reason, the NH4NO3 decomposed and released ammonia gas, so you may as well through away that batch. Try again with this setup: First,
Dissolute the Ammonium Nitrate fertilizer in some warm-hot water. NOT Boiling! It sounds like Whatever is in your fertilizer is causing the Ammonium
Nitrate to Decomp on high heating. After this, filrate your solution to get rid of any undissolved materials. Next Try and air dry the Ammonium
Nitrate solution, if that does not seem to be going fast enough, or the Ammonium Nitrate wants to stay in solution, Place solution in a desicator bag
to dry the chemical. If you want further purification, dissolve the left over ammonium nitrate in some Methanol and try and create a saturated
solution. Once you have done that, filter this solution and put in freezer. Then Collect the crystals from bottom of your container after a couple
hours in the freezer. This hould be relatively pure Ammonium Nitrate. |