Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Chemistry Jobs

ringo - 9-6-2004 at 05:21

Hey guys! I am new here so I'll make this rather short and simple. I have been contemplating going into chemistry for a while now. I currently work for the USDA ARS doing research with a research biochemist. His job seems interesting and also allows a sense of freedom. My question is do you guys think that going into chemistry would be a good idea? What do you think the professional future of chemists will be like? I definately want to go into a career that I would be certain to get a job.

Darkfire - 9-6-2004 at 08:48

Its not our choice what you want to do, chemistry pays well, even right out of college. Its fun, mind numbing at times, and it has many other aspects that we all have come to like, big booms and buzzes, hehe...

If you think youll enjoy it go for it, but if bios your thing go for that.


Wolfram - 9-6-2004 at 08:53

Yes I think chemist specially biochemist could be good. I think molecularbiology/ moleculargenetics would be better and bioinformatics the best. But it depends on you to become a great scientist and not a labrobot you must be obsessed with the things you are doing, and have some luck to find good people to work with. Speak with people in the buisness all the time to know the latest trends.

Good Luck

chemoleo - 9-6-2004 at 09:03

Well, personally I chose biochem as a profession because I feared research in chemistry is not quite so popular anymore (job chances more difficult). I now found, of course you can do research chem. jobs, but also, there are many more in biochem, at least in academia. Synthetic chem. can be a tad boring, as I was told by an ex synth. chemist in my lab.
Physical chemistry, theoretical chemistry etc can be a whole lot more interesting, but you need to be into the subject, and good at it.
Biochem - again, if you aren't into it, there's no point doing it. Unfortunately you don't learn that during your degree... you only learn that when you actually start workign in a lab properly - and then it's often too late to decide wheter you are really into it or not!

ringo - 9-6-2004 at 09:30

Thanks for the information guys. I appreciate you taking the time to share some opinions. I will definately take a look at these different disciplines of chemistry. I just got back from the field. Had to plant my weed (not marijuana) plot so we can further test different herbicides. Thanks guys.

DirtyDan - 9-6-2004 at 11:45

Is there any specialty jobs a teen could get that chemistry could be applied to? I know that here in the US you cant really legally, but im looking for a job right now and the only thing looking very interesting is Radio Shack, heh oh well

ringo - 9-6-2004 at 11:49

I work for the USDA. I am doing a summer internship for the ARS branch. I work with a chemist. We do a lot of research dealing with different herbicides and phytotoxins. It's really quite interesting stuff.