None of the proposed options are entirely correct. Let me explain why.
1. The study of the structure and properties of matter.(Text book definition) - the closest definition, but the most important thing it lacks is
"science". Chemistry is a science. You can study the structure and properties of matter in a woo woo way, and then it's called alchemy. However, if
you use scientific method, you get a science.
2. The interaction of elements and atoms. - this should be called reaction properties or something like that
3. Chemical change due to the outer electrons in a atom. - similar to 2.
4. The branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is composed - that's analytical chemistry, only one part
of chemistry.
5. The Science of change. - Everything, except natural constants and laws, is subjected to changing. Not very helpful, because every science, natural
or social, can be put into this definition.
6. Studying matter. - like 1., there are more than one way to study matter. In this case, 6. envelops 1.
7. Anything that has to do with the periodic table - even the art design or the history of its development? I think not.
8. Blowing things up and making drugs. - no comment
Chemistry is a natural science that studies the structure, composition, properties and reactions of atomic matter.
It is important to say "atomic", too, because there are other kinds of matter that chemistry doesn't study, although can use. For example,
radiochemistry uses neutrons which are non-atomic matter, but doesn't study them. |