noxious - 17-6-2012 at 15:26
I was looking at the structure of dopamine (3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine) and wondered if the following procedure could be applied to it, instead of
using vanillin as the substrate:
And so it was tried, resulting in a dark solution upon addition of the base. This was expected because of the highly electron-rich aromatic ring.
Do you think this is reasonable? Could the dopamine first be O-methylated to reduce the oxidation? What changes would you make to the technique?
[Edited on 17-6-2012 by noxious]
mnick12 - 17-6-2012 at 20:18
Oh hmmm looking for some 3,4,5- tri substituted phenethylamines? There are better ways which are known to work well, you have a link to one such
procedure. Also that amine is likely whats causing you problems, O-methylation will likely give you a different ring substitution pattern or at the
very least a mix of isomers. Best to stick to what works.