chemrox - 16-5-2012 at 19:08
Judging from the outrageously high cost of SciFinder subscriptions and doing STN searches I wonder what happened and why did we let it happen? CAS
should be free. Certainly it should be at cost or subsidized by our dues.
Polverone - 17-5-2012 at 10:36
ACS members have noted for some time that being a member does not bring substantial benefits in terms of access to ACS publications; not CAS, not
journals, not books. CAS brings in more money than journals and far more money than membership dues. I don't know how ACS came to promote its bottom
line ahead of its members' interests, but that seems to be the state of things.
benzylchloride1 - 19-5-2012 at 18:31
The whole field of chemistry seems to be for profit anymore. Hardly anyone is doing anything that is fundamental research today. Most research today
is geared to create quick results and hopefully a heavily government subsidized company for a university research park.