Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Sciencemadness App For iPhone and Blackberry

Hexavalent - 6-5-2012 at 04:50

For the tech- and computer-savvy, how difficult and/or time consuming would it be to create an app or simplified version of SM for use on BlackBerries or iPhones/Androids?

watson.fawkes - 6-5-2012 at 09:04

Quote: Originally posted by Hexavalent  
For the tech- and computer-savvy, how difficult and/or time consuming would it be to create an app or simplified version of SM for use on BlackBerries or iPhones/Androids?
Please see this thread for an understanding that this question doesn't have either a quick or easy answer.

Mailinmypocket - 8-5-2012 at 06:09

Tapatalk... For iPhone only I believe. It seems promising however the forum administrator needs to implement some sort of client or add on... Apparently it works with 99% of message boards. I didn't research it that thoroughly but it may be an option.

gutter_ca - 8-5-2012 at 10:21

Quote: Originally posted by Mailinmypocket  
Tapatalk... For iPhone only I believe. It seems promising however the forum administrator needs to implement some sort of client or add on... Apparently it works with 99% of message boards. I didn't research it that thoroughly but it may be an option.

Definitely on Android too.

Hexavalent - 8-5-2012 at 13:42

Nice, seems like a good idea if its feasible for our board.

Is there a way to get it to work for BlackBerry telephones?

Eliteforum - 28-5-2012 at 00:46

Hopefully not, because blackberrys suck chode.

Hexavalent - 28-5-2012 at 12:00

I have the BlackBerry 8520 Curve and really like it . . .as long as you look after it, don't download crap onto it and delete the little log it keeps every so often it works a treat. An app for a webiste like this would literally be the stirbar on the stirplate (bad edition of 'cherry on the cake'!:)