Chemistry Alchemist - 18-4-2012 at 21:39
hello its been a while (along while) and im sure you have all missed me but im back.
Just a quick question, we recently scrapped some exhaust fans and im wondering is there anything useful in them i could scrap... besides copper.
Hexavalent - 19-4-2012 at 07:55
What kind of exhaust fans, and how many?
Chemistry Alchemist - 19-4-2012 at 08:13
kitchen and 2
Hexavalent - 20-4-2012 at 12:58
You could look into designing a fume hood with it, if you haven't already got one, for light use . . .just be very careful with the amounts of
flammable vapours you release inside it if the fan is inline with the motor/other electronics, unless they are sealed or separated . . .which, from my
experience with kitchen fans, often are sadly not.
Bot0nist - 20-4-2012 at 13:00
I have to second what Hex says. I once was using an inline duct fan to move vapors from a M.E.K. distillation and the fan caused a flash fire. Scary.
Hexavalent - 20-4-2012 at 15:49
Is there a way you could re-purpose the inlet for the negative pressure of the fans to create a simple vacuum pump for inorganic work (e.g. work not
involving particularly flammable chemicals or solvents?)
You will need to shift the grease filters and whatnot off them and have a look at the inndards to observe their construction, else find technical
documents on the internet for your particular models.