Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamic

Blind Angel - 8-5-2004 at 10:09

Found that @ The-Hive
what do you think?

Attachment: second_law_violation.pdf (437kB)
This file has been downloaded 1371 times

Proteios - 9-5-2004 at 00:44

meh... the chinese are ever putting out this crap. Always claiming to have violated some axim of scientific thinking.

Such work is always fundamentally flawed (although ive not pawed through this one in detail to work out where) guessing they dont count their magnetic field as part of the system.

Ive now seen work claiming conservation of energy isnt valid, heisenburgs uncertainty principal isnt valid, 0 point vibrational energies can be harnessed, etc. Such claims were never made in the pier review literature but were emailed to the department faculty on a depressingly regular basis. If you really had made a discovery of this magnitude, the last thing you would do is send anyone a copy before is was in the pier review literature.

Put simply....without reading it in detail, the following points say this isnt worth reading.

This work is unpublished. If they had really invented a maxwell demon, and really violated the 2nd law of TD, they could publish this work ANYWHERE they wanted. The fact that it is not published in a pier review journal says that this isnt worth reading.
If they really had invented a maxwell demon, they would have invented a source of limitless power. At a stroke they would have solved all the worlds power issues.

Basically, dont waste your time.

[Edited on 9-5-2004 by Proteios]

Geomancer - 9-5-2004 at 09:25

The Chinese? I knew they were up to no good.

Referring to the figure 2b, it is clear that electrons leaving the right side of plate A will be directed to plate B. The question is, what happens to electrons leaving the right side of plate B? The same force that obstructs them from going to the right side of plate A even more strongly obstructs them going back to plate B.

It is clear the authors' proposed mechanism doesn't work, but it may take carefull examination to figure out where the energy they measured comes from.

If you want to see a really slick type 2 PMM, check out the "Heat Sucker" in the link I give in the PMM thread. Also, for the sake of orginization, you may want to put further inqueries into the subject there.

franklyn - 19-12-2009 at 11:31

Another triumph of technologic invention
Atomic scale Mono-pole magnets

But wait ! that's not all - Perpetual motion achieved :)
It appears this is an electric effect somewhat analogous to brownian motion.
In this case producing stray electric current out of background thermal noise.
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