That much iodine (30mgs) is not going to get the police on you. I could even buy a 50ml iodine tincture (about 1.25g of iodine and 1.25g of potassium
iodide in total) at the local pharmacy without anything bad happening. Even the police realises that
30mgs of iodine is hardly going to make a sellable (or even smokable) quantity of drugs. H2O2(more dilute though) and ammonia are both OTC. jimwig - 13-3-2012 at 06:46
[Edited on 13-3-2012 by jimwig]GreenD - 13-3-2012 at 06:53
You can try say that H2O2 is for soaking deer/moosehorn´s or fish head´s to clear white because here hunters or fishers do so and they use 25-30%
H2O2 but I don´t know if it works for reason....
[Edited on 13-3-2012 by bonelesss]Bhaskar - 13-3-2012 at 06:58
How can iodine be used for making drugs?dann2 - 13-3-2012 at 07:02
Make sure you have a few Moose, Fish or deer heads lying around when they come barging in........
At least the terrible smell may slow them up for a while!GreenD - 13-3-2012 at 07:03
Boneless, there are a ton of reasons I need h2o2.
Bleaching, cleaning, plants can benefit from it to. My use with tissue cultures can benefit, and countless of other experiments. That don't matta.
I've heard people getting intent with some HCl, NaOH, H2SO4 and a chemistry book or two.
They never tell you the WHOLE story though.bonelesss - 13-3-2012 at 07:06
Well it worked here one time and I haven´t got those horn´s or fish head´s
lying around I say i´m going to use it for that. well assuming You are from USA so they are strictly these days I quess
[Edited on 13-3-2012 by bonelesss]ibro - 29-3-2012 at 09:23
You should be careful, even something less could get them suspicious, they are paranoid as shit...neptunium - 29-3-2012 at 12:30
most likely you wont get a visit from a 3 letter agency ...but you might have to answer a few questions the next time you find yourself boarding a
flight at the airport...