Sciencemadness Discussion Board

A visit from the glassware faerie?

Gearhead_Shem_Tov - 12-3-2012 at 20:38

This may sound like a very dumb question, but I can't think of anywhere else to ask where I stand a good chance of getting a sensible, knowledgeable response, so here goes:

I've been waiting for a week for a couple RB flasks, two 250ml flasks ordered online from Wiltronics here in Australia. These are my first flasks with ground taper joints to fit the condensers and other fittings I've been accumulating over the past year.

Today I just took delivery of them, but instead of 2 x 250ml flasks, I got 2 x 500ml! The invoice calls them out as 250ml, which is what I ordered, and the price shown is indeed for the smaller flask.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind having 500ml flasks, but there's another complication. Not only was I undercharged $16.50AU (over-delivered?), this size flask requires an end user statement to be filled out in order to buy it. I ordered the 250ml size specifically because it is the largest size they sell that doesn't require an EUS.

Simple honesty, of course, requires that I at least inform them of their error, but an abundance of caution might suggest otherwise. If I told them and coughed up the extra money, in the vein of no-good-deed-goes-unpunished, I am concerned that I'll at least have to fill out the bloody EUS I was trying to avoid in the first place.

At worst I can envision a visit from the police if I do nothing and the company somehow realises the error. I don't have anything to hide, but I do live in a rental house, and a couple years ago I found on top of a cabinet what looked to be a crack pipe belonging to a former tenant. I don't think there's any more such surprises to be found in the house, but previous tenants have left heaps of junk in one of the many sheds on this property, and who knows what might turn up (especially if drug-sniffing dogs were brought to bear).

So, am I being needlessly paranoid? I have most of the usual acids and bases, all OTC, plus 25kg of potassium nitrate, so I reckon the worst case scenario could be very sticky indeed, even though I don't work with energetics.


bfesser - 12-3-2012 at 20:53

Fertilize the lawn, then inform them of the mixup. If they appreciate your honesty, perhaps they'll ship a pair of the 250 mL flasks as well.

Gearhead_Shem_Tov - 13-3-2012 at 04:29

Quote: Originally posted by bfesser  
Fertilize the lawn, then inform them of the mixup. If they appreciate your honesty, perhaps they'll ship a pair of the 250 mL flasks as well.

Hmm. I don't want to wind up on any list of Blokes Who May Be Up To Something Illegal, is the thing. Anybody from Oz had experience with End User Declaration forms for chemistry purchases?


GreenD - 13-3-2012 at 06:26

I'd remain quiet.

vmelkon - 13-3-2012 at 06:51

You found a crack pipe? I would move out of that place specially if you are a "chemistry guy". If there is some narcotics dust or something, it doesn't matter if you have a 250 mL flask or 500 mL. The dogs will detect it and you'll have a lifetime of trouble.

Endimion17 - 13-3-2012 at 07:33

I feel sorry for Australia. Gosh, having to fear over buying fucking glassware, fearing whether anyone will notice it's 250 or 500 ml. How pathetic.