Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Cleaning up Chemicals

Tsimehc - 29-2-2012 at 17:02


I have read lot's of literature and am looking for new input on two main topics.

1.) Determining store-bought chemical compositions
2.) "Cleaning up" Added components determined in #1 (above)

When trying #1 There are generapproachesproches (besides asking others or preforming home assays):

Label method = Very rough idea of active ingredients & lacks concentrations (plus label regulations vary greatly on product type

MSDS = Only helps with dangerous components for the most part ( plus I am only guessing at this but if a label or MSDS says 95% Sodium Metabisulfite, for instance, I assume this is percent of this chemical and has no factoring in of the purity - so technically it could be 50% purity leaving you with 50% of 95% of your chemical of interest!:mad: )

Patent = Often cvariancesany variences of chemical compositions tested, and with US law at least, once the patent is filed the next day the ingredients can be altered without amending the patent, and then there's trade secret ingredients, and so forth!

So All I get is a general idea from this "crap" and am left to test everything nearly from scratch on my own.

purchase want to purchace anything that I need to have ID or sign for (well I know even spray paint needs a sig for greater than one can these days, but nothing more than a brief unconfirmed signature I guess is what I mean! - I'm not doing anything illegal, just trying to "procertainint" in a certian way I guess - working with only things I can get without ANY trail of breadcrumbs! My reasons for this will become more apparent as time goes on...

I guess I am looking for help from users that have certain determined certian things or have an idea. like what, besides aluminum oxide is generally found to be used as a coating on Al-foil? Or what is used to help "cure" a graphite electrode in a Zn/C Battery? or In my "100%" KNO3 Spectracide "Stump Remover" what other than KNO3 is present? Clorox Bleach ~6%NaClO + x% NaOH + y% ?? + ...

And any ideas on how to remove any of the aforementioned ingredients. (obviously Removing NaOH from Sodium Hypochlorite would not be a great idea, but cleaning up KCl or NaCl for instance would be helpful as they tend to clump and float in solutions, as wereactionstless side reactrions that I can't even pretend to know if I don't know what's present!

I realize this is a large request, but I plan on contributing largely to this site, as I like it's members, it's diversity and the consolidation of such useful/practical chem info in 1 location, & I wish to give it all I can! This is just some help I could use fordesperately I am trying desperatly to finish up and will gladly share it here first in the future.

(BTW - I don't need to hear about how I can buy this at "pyroshack", and that on "eBay"...I do know all of this, as we all say...It's for the science of it) Your answers will be starting points for me.

This is my first post, sorry for the length, but I do appreciate the years of mere observations I have accumulated here and feel it is time I start to contribute. I hope this request leads to many answers/ideas

Thanks in advance!