Sciencemadness Discussion Board


bfesser - 24-2-2012 at 14:46

I've been thinking that for certain compounds and topics, it would be nice to compile a review post--much as review papers are often published in journals. The post would summarize important data, synthesis, etc. (basically anything that has been discussed on the forum regarding the compound/topic), along with providing links to the various discussion threads and literature. Perhaps if the idea sparks interest, and if we managed to create a few decent reviews, Polverone could supply a seperate forum section to keep these posts in--just to keep them nicely organized and easy to find. It would be convenient for newcomers, as they wouldn't have to do so much of the forum searching themselves (as if they would). These reviews would only be for topics which have a large volume of discussion--including plenty of practical and experimental work. We could also try to come to general consensus as to how forum members recommend/prefer to prepare compounds/elements and emphasize that in the reviews.

If anyone likes the idea and if there's general approval, I'll try to write up an example review.

Some example compounds/topics on which I believe a review would be beneficial:
<list type="ul">
<li>potassium (heavy emphasis on the Mg reduction method)</li>
<li>hydrazine sulfate</li>
<li>phthalic anhydride</li>

I think you moderators could benefit. If a newcomer came to the forum and posted a question like "hey guyz! swim is wondering how do u make chlorform" the response would be simple. Post a link to the trichloromethane review, lock the thread, and to detritus it goes. ;) It's copy pasta easy.

I wrote this post quickly, so I hope it's making sense. I have a good idea of how it would look/function in my head, but it's a bit hard for me to express in words. Sorry for rambling on...

<strong>Any thoughts?</strong>

[Edited on 2/24/12 by bfesser]

[Edited on 2/24/12 by bfesser]

zoombafu - 24-2-2012 at 15:37

I believe that eventually when the forum software is updated, a wiki will be added. This is the type of information that I'm guessing will be in it.

Nicodem - 26-2-2012 at 05:26

Hmm... a deja vu?

watson.fawkes - 1-3-2012 at 04:21

Quote: Originally posted by zoombafu  
I believe that eventually when the forum software is updated, a wiki will be added.
The software won't be magically updated by elves, but rather by people. Those people who contribute to this effort will be best in a position to influence how the board infrastructure evolves.

See the thread call for participation: modernizing SM forum software.

bfesser - 1-3-2012 at 20:33

Quote: Originally posted by Nicodem  
Hmm... a deja vu?

Holy [explitive deleted], you're right! Nicodem, I don't quite know what to think or say. I stopped following that thread when Polverone chimed in. I honestly had no idea that you had suggested essentially the same thing one month prior. Umm, sorry for the accidental plagiarism or double posting, I guess? It's a little unnerving to see how similar the posts are. We both even used bulleted lists. You don't see that around here every day&mdash;weird. I guess from now on I should just give you credit for anything I think of, because you probably beat me to it by one month. ;)

Great minds <em>post</em> alike? :P

Well, since you suggested "<strong>Synthesis of alkali metals</strong>", and I suggested potassium, maybe we could worrk together to piece together a sample review? It doesn't seem that many others have the time or motivation.

Nicodem - 8-3-2012 at 10:11

I think the idea of review threads is very good and I can only encourage you or any other volunteer to do something exemplary. I will stay out of it, because I have already enough work as it is. Well, maybe someday when I get bored, not these days.