I do not believe so. "W i l l" you post a link to it so that I can read
Anyway, does a human sperm cell and or a human ovum have free will?
If not, then is free will obtained at the moment of conception?
Futhermore, do individual cells in my body have free will? I'm thinking here of involuntary processes in the body that don't appear to be controlled
by me diliberately: examples: heart beat, digestion, and most importantly, cellular respiration.
If the behaviour of atoms, and by extension any structure made entirely of atoms, is purely the consequence of happen stance, and if happen stance
itself is not governed by any agents of free will then we truly are just a bunch of MINDLESS FREAKING ROBOTS. If that were true then life is utterly
meaningless, and would be a "cause" to dispair. However, I believe I do have free will, and that it is not merely an illusion, and I take the
responseability very seriously. However, I do not attribute free will to mere chemicals: I don't consider concentrated sulfuric acid to be willfully
malicious, but that doesn't mean I don't try hard to avoid getting the stuff all over me!
Now consider this, suppose we have two chemical solutions that when added to each other are anticipated to react to form a completely new compound,
never before synthesized. Now suppose that the atoms have free will:
How will the atoms choose to behave under circumstances that they have never encountered before? Total unpredictability? Possibly! I do love
chemistry, it's what I "choose" to love.