mario840 - 3-1-2012 at 10:53
Hi !
I'm wondering is this gonna work , basic hydrolysis of barbituric acid (not substituted !), in paper they write to decompose to alkali malonate,
amonnia and carbon dioxide (see picture). I also read that solution must be concentrated >50% or solid hydroxide (and melt with barbituric acid).
How do you thing , maybe someone did that reaction or similar i will be greatfully for some info.
Theorethical if we got malonate potassium , evaporate solution and make Fisher estrification with ethanol/H2SO4 we can obtain diethyl malonate, but
this is well known and there is many paper of this reaction, but about hydrolysis of barbituric acid is very little data. Maybe you got guys access to
paper about hydrolysis even substituted barbituric acid so you can post it here.