Sciencemadness Discussion Board

where do u buy your anodes?

wolfire18 - 24-12-2011 at 05:09

Hi to all, i'm pretty new to this forum and also i'm one of the others two hundred that is starting a production of chlorates/perchlorates. In my state of knowledges I'm planning to start with a small production of chlorates and then move on it by getting more time/money/knowledge on this thing. Anyway, back on topic :), of course the main problem (as always) is the anode, platinum is out of discussion, i'm at the begin and i'm not feeling spending so much on it as i have to learn a bit first, so all that is left are PbO2 and MMO anodes. I'm looking at the mmo anodes (PbO2 anodes are quite nasty for me, at the moment) i searched around the forum and i found some link to e-bay but unfortunatly they have been bought already long time ago :(, so my question is, where do you get your mmo anodes? if you have some that u don't use, just tell me please, probably i'll quite interested on buying it :D

CaliusOptimus - 24-12-2011 at 13:39

seller laserred on ebay had them recently. (mid dec 2011)

hyfalcon - 15-5-2012 at 18:55

I think I got the last two pieces he had. He hasn't had anything for sale since a little after I got my MMO sheets from him.

Swede - 23-5-2012 at 06:31

I set myself up with a lot of of laserred's MMO sheet, back when it was a lot less expensive. I also bought a ton of CP (commercially pure) titanium sheet, and a bench-top spot welder, and I've been making quite a few of them as part of my earlier exploration of plating PbO2 over MMO/Ti mesh. Welding is really the only way to make a solid electrode that lasts and conducts well. The PbO2 process kicked my rear end for a while... I got burned out and a bit paranoid over all the lead nitrate needed. The stuff gives me the creeps.

I'm down but not out... I'd like to pursue it more, but I need to ensure the lead remains sequestered for my own mental health. In the mean time, if someone REALLY needs an MMO set, I can do something. I don't mean for this to be an ad; I make them for fun, not profit, but they can be hard to find, and the commercial examples from the pyro firms are expensive for what you get. Also too small.

cyanureeves - 23-5-2012 at 18:20

yep go to e-bay and find laserred and put him on your favorites and when he's up and selling it will show up in your e-mail. i have gotten tons of notices from e-bay saying he's selling again . i got mine about half a year ago and he's been selling about eight times since.the mmo is still brand new looking and i have a couple of kilos of chlorate already.

Swede - 27-5-2012 at 06:38

I agree, Laserred has been a superb supplier for many years now. I don't know the exact formulation of his MMO, but it makes chlorates with ease.

I think his material comes as used mesh from machinery used in some aspect of the chlor-alkali industry, maybe the paper industry where the products are used to bleach paper pulp. Some of it is stained with an as-yet unidentified yellow/orange chemical encrustation. A soak in 10% HCl for 30 minutes will strip the crap off the MMO and leave the mesh looking like new. If we could identify the yellow stuff, it'd probably tell us where his mesh is from. Chromium compounds? I have no idea. I sequester the "used" acid wash and simply re-use it as needed, with the yellow color getting deeper and deeper.

Anyway, his MMO is good stuff.

hyfalcon - 27-5-2012 at 16:49

I just bought 4 more pieces from him and then he was gone again.

Is there any reason that these can't be used as both anode and cathode?

[Edited on 28-5-2012 by hyfalcon]

Swede - 28-5-2012 at 06:42

You can use them as a cathode, but why not use sheet or mesh titanium, or stainless steel? Much cheaper that way.

A good setup... one anode sandwiched between two cathodes. You greatly increase the anode surface area, and cathode material is relatively cheap.

hyfalcon - 28-5-2012 at 16:31

please, point me to a good source for the titanium mesh. I'm having a heck of time sourcing it at a decent price.

cyanureeves - 28-5-2012 at 17:07

a titamium camping spoon will cost about 15 dollars. just look for titanium camping cookware. i have been using a part of a lid for about a year now.