Sciencemadness Discussion Board

chemical business from home (UK)

strangelove - 18-11-2011 at 12:51

I've been toying with this idea for a while now, so I thought I'd turn to the forum for some advice. My ultimate ambition in life is to train as a medical doctor, but i've often thought about running a small chemical supply outfit from home on the side, supplying lab chemicals and consumables to hobbyists. It'd obviously be an evenings and weekends affair , purchasing in bulk from the big companies that avoid the public , splitting and selling on.

It'd all be above board, with a VAT registered company and all the licenses and inspections that the Government may require. However, I was wondering what the law's view on running such a business from home would be, say in an outbuilding or garage. This is assuming that the chemical storage is up to scratch, with adequate cabinets and security etc.

Has anyone had any experience in this area, or does anyone in the UK have any thoughts?
Thanks for reading.

Hexavalent - 10-1-2012 at 12:06

I think that this would be a great idea, and would consider buying from your company if it were running properly. Its difficult to find UK sources for some weird reagents and odd bits of equipment and glassware( although I believe that United Nuclear do now ship here).