I need a chromatogram analysis software, OpenChrom is at most inefficient and ACD/Labs doesn't seem to answer to their quote request. Anybody have a
good alternative to suggest?gutter_ca - 2-11-2011 at 16:37
[Edit] Sadly not what I need, this look like more an acquisition software, I need a data analysis software who can open Agilent or NetCDF format.
[Edited on 3-11-2011 by Blind Angel]
So you have already got the data, but don't have the software it was accquired with?Blind Angel - 3-11-2011 at 10:46
I have, but I don't want to be stuck to work on it on the same computer as the instrument. If I could work on another computer it would help a lot.gutter_ca - 3-11-2011 at 11:05