Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Solvent question

Chemnewb - 24-9-2011 at 19:05

Hi people,
I hope this is in the right topic thread, and please go easy on me if this has been asked or answered some time in the past.

I have a question about TCE solvent -Trichloroethylene-
Where i am from, (Australia) TCE is pretty hard to get, so im wondering if its possible to use -Tetrachloroethylene- as a substitute for TCE?
I'v tried doing afew searches but havent been able to find any relevant information.

ANyway, hope someone can help this poor little newb on his post :)


blogfast25 - 25-9-2011 at 05:12

Pull up the Wiki entries of both to compare them back-to-back. That should answer your question.

Endimion17 - 25-9-2011 at 05:26

Well, that depends. What are you planning to use it for?

Chemnewb - 30-9-2011 at 12:40

A polymer of the monomer N-vinylpyrrolidone kind.
Is soluble in water, and so is the salt i want to extract n seperate from it, tce is one of the few solvents that the salt in soluble in which the polymer is not.

I know certain aspects of chemistry in general, but now im find of focusing on solvents and extractions to test my skills and gain a better overall understanding of chemistry.
As my name suggests im a newb, but i figure if i throw myself into some more complicated techs i can teach myself faster, strange logic but works with everything else i get into.
