Sciencemadness Discussion Board

A problem

brite_lites - 28-3-2004 at 04:56

Hi. I was looking at rhodium's wonderful chemistry archive when this article caught my attention.
Unfortunatly due to my location I do not have access to DMSO. Would Chloroform or acetone be suitable as replacements for the solvent? Also i would like to know the mechanism of the Delepine reaction. It sounds pretty cool because it dosnt require any hard to get reagents. Why isn't it used more often? Also I'm presuming there will be no problem is exchanging apiole for dillapiole as they are isomers of eachother.

[Edited on 28-3-2004 by brite_lites]

Quantum - 28-3-2004 at 07:26

We don't generaly make drugs or at least talk about them here. The hive has good information about them however.

brite_lites - 29-3-2004 at 09:29

This I am aware of but due to complications out of my control I am unable to register as a member with the hive. I posted here because I am not aware of a more suitable forum. Should I post this in biochemistry instead? If not could you please answer my original question as this information would be quite useful to me and I would be very grateful.

Polverone - 29-3-2004 at 10:41

DMSO might be replaced with another polar aprotic solvent. Chloroform would be worthless. Acetone probably won't work well because it won't dissolve NaBr very well, but that's just my speculation. Generally, isomeric compounds can't be substituted for one another in reactions.

Fix your Hive registration problem. This isn't and won't be a forum for discussion of practical drug manufacture, though we're happy to discuss reactions of general utility that you might happen to find useful in your clandestine adventures.

If_6_was_9 - 29-3-2004 at 15:42

See example 1 in this patent:

Also see:

IgnorantlyIntelligent - 31-3-2004 at 06:20

What about United Nuclear? They might not sell to outside the good old US-o-A though:(
If you checked around I bet you could get it. Check England.

brite_lites - 3-4-2004 at 10:23

Ok thanks for that. No apparently it's against regulations for united nuclear to ship outside of the states. I dont mind because they're a ripoff anyway! Compare their price with that of and you'll see! Excuse my ignorance but what's an apriotic solvent? Would GAA be suitable as I have access to the 70% variety and this can be distilled. Once again thanks for all your help. Its appreciated.

If_6_was_9 - 3-4-2004 at 10:34


Would GAA be suitable as I have access to the 70% variety and this can be distilled.

Its in one of the patents I posted.

brite_lites - 3-4-2004 at 12:46

The patent you posted covers bromination of the essential oil. Would GAA be suitable for the other steps also?