Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Greats from the East of East Germany

Final Destillation - 20-9-2011 at 07:34

Hello everybody. Greats from Germany!
First: This forum is really great!

I was not sure, wether I could write a in here. I'm sorry, if its wrong.
Also sorry for my wroten English, my skills are only school based and today I had my first lesson "English for special purposes" :D. (my English skills are mostly from YT-Vids an Websites in English - like this)

My name is Tommy, I'm 19 y.o. and I live in Radebeul (the home town of Karl May, the autor of the "Winnetou"-Tales :D).
It's a town between Dresden and Meißen (home of the European Porcelain^^) in Saxony.

I live there, because of doing an apprenticeship as a chemistry laboratory assistant (right? In German it's "Chemielaborant").

The German members might know me from oder

My hometown is Löbau 20km west of Görlitz - the most eastern city of Germany - and 20-25km away from border to the Czech Republic an respectively Poland.
There I did my first steps as hobby chemist, when I was 12 or 14. :D

I'm mostly interested in synthetical chemistry (right?), process engineering, "designing" special lab glass, laboratory automation and technical chemistry.

When I knew, that I was really serious interessted in chemistry, I descieded to make an apprenticeship as an chemistry laboratory assistant.

I hope I could find some new ideas in here, learn to write/speak a better English, and maybe I could even help somebody.

Greats Final!

[Edited on 20-9-2011 by Final Destillation]

[Edited on 20-9-2011 by Final Destillation]

hkparker - 20-9-2011 at 07:39

Welcome to the forum :D

Your english looks great to me.

hissingnoise - 20-9-2011 at 08:04

Great thread-title --- it's what drew me!
So greetings, Tommy.

Final Destillation - 20-9-2011 at 08:34

First thanks to both of you! (@hkparker: Your YT-Vids are great! My name there is "PEROXOR")

Could anyone mark the places in my firt post, in which I made bad grammar mistakes, please?

Greats Final!

gsd - 20-9-2011 at 09:50

LIeber Herr Final Destillation

Ihre Englisch ist sehr gut!
Ich finden konnte, nur sehr wenige Fehler, die unten aufgeführt sind

wether ....... Whether

wroten English ..... rotten English

I live there, because of doing .... because I am doing

Czech Republic an respectively Poland.... and Poland respectively

synthetical chemistry ..... Synthetic Chemistry

special lab glass ... glassware

When I knew, that I was really serious interessted in chemistry ...... When I realized that I was seriously interested in chemistry

I descieded to make ..... I decided to do

Could anyone mark the places in my firt post, in which I made bad grammar mistakes, please? .....

Could anyone please point out the places in my first post where I have made grammatical mistakes?

Danke :)

Ich wünsche Ihnen alles Gute in deiner Karriere.

Genießen Sie Ihre Zeit hier


AndersHoveland - 20-9-2011 at 09:53

Why are there so many good german chemical hobbysists, and so much chemical research in Germany?

quicksilver - 20-9-2011 at 10:33

Quality schools.
Obviously only opinion, but I grew up with a friend from Germany and he used to laugh at much of the subject matter in schools in the USA. Germany also has had an appreciation for the 'hard sciences" and German was the "language of science" through much of recent history. Britain had a wonderful history of science as well.

It only makes sense that the colonies don't get as focused as the powers that colonized them as their history is shorter in academia. Italy had it's share of science and inventive genius. But if one were to examine countries that had maintained a colonial interaction with the "parent" country, they are occasionally underdeveloped. The UK and the USA as well as Portugal and Brazil are unique in that respect. But Somalia / Italy and some smaller countries in South America and Germany are alternative examples.

Final Destillation - 20-9-2011 at 10:37

Thank you a lot, gsd!

I think there must be some hobby chemists here in Germany, because here are living about 82 million people :D.

But here are many reprisals, too. Our politicians are very "hysteric" and most of them have no idea of chemistry, but a lot fear of explosives, drugs, terrorism and so on (I think you know, what I mean :mad:).

Greats Final!