Chemistry Alchemist - 25-8-2011 at 09:52
Many people get manganese dioxide from a lantern battery but it contains slot of iron oxide Sewell which carrys over into the next reaction your
trying to do spand stuffs it up... If there a way to take out the iron from the manganese?
Endimion17 - 25-8-2011 at 10:06
This great youtuber did it some time ago. Here.
Chemistry Alchemist - 25-8-2011 at 10:10
Haha I guessed it would of been him... Tho I specifically either want pure manganese dioxide or pure manganese chloride
Endimion17 - 25-8-2011 at 10:16
If you have pure manganese sulphate, then the oxide is just few steps away, wouldn't you agree? I think the problem - iron contamination, is much
worse than having to convert the sulphate to oxide.
Anyway, I do have a rather large amount of manganese carbonate I made from these batteries, but never got the chance to remove the iron. As the
carbonate is peach colored itself, the contamination is not apparent, but upon acidifying it, one can see it's messed up.
blogfast25 - 25-8-2011 at 10:19
Not sure what you mean by 'lantern battery'. All dry zinc batteries contain manganese dioxide. The first contaminant is isn't iron though, it's
graphite (at least 30 % of battery gunge is graphite, as a conductor).
There are multiple threads on this forum on how to extract manganese from spent batteries, look for a thread by DerAlte for maximum effect.
Nurdrage's method works very well but you need to get rid of the graphite first...
sternman318 - 25-8-2011 at 10:26
Look at the permanganate thread stickied on this forum, DerAlte gives one method for it lower down on the first page
CraigX - 21-5-2012 at 09:12
Pottery supplies sell MnO2 (&MnCO3).
I can't vouch for the purity.
barley81 - 21-5-2012 at 11:49
Pottery grade manganese dioxide is not pure. When I dissolved some in an acidic sulfite solution, a sand-like residue was left, and the liquid above
the solid was not colorless/pale pink. It was instead yellowish or greenish.